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Linda Bostock, Medical Herbalist

thames valley athletics centre, Eton, United Kingdom
Alternative & Holistic Health Service



practical, everyday herbal health information practical, everyday herbal health information



Hi Again! Here's a thoughtful present. When you purchase my 'Staying Healthy' course (currently on offer) you will also get a voucher entltleing the user to access the full course, free of charge. It can be sent on by email. A little thought and prevention, so much better than cure! Linda

Hi, Very excited again! After several years of work, my ‘Staying Healthy’ course is finished and available from today. It contains a complete health guide for all the family. I hope you find this really useful at a time when the health services are so under pressure. Prevention is so much better than cure. Full information available on website plus free course section.

I’ve got a cold at the moment and my policy on colds is that two or three a year is ok and our own immune systems will deal with it However if it’s more than two or three a year then there might be an underlying cause (poor nutrition or stress) and the immune system will need a bit of help So here’s a link to the immune system section on u tube and my website

I spend some of my time in clinic helping people with their diets and advising that milk is food for baby cows not humans. Many people find dairy products difficult to digest and this can lead to many health problems in the body especially the digestive system So this video is hilarious and sums it all up for me

Hi, something a little different from me today. Those of you who know me, know that I can cook a mean curry. My anglo indian heritage sees to that. I also know from my medical background that curries typically contain ingredients that science is showing have anti-cancer properties. So, I have made a video (link below) of me making a particularly delicious curry and in which I explain the anti-cancer ingredients roles. Enjoy! Linda.

On holiday in north Wales walking along the Dee estuary came across eyebright which I use a lot as a tincture in my clinic to tone mucous membranes and wild mignonette which has been used for centuries to make a yellow dye called weld

So many beautiful medicinal plants on our walk yesterday, which was our first proper walk for a month after I had thought I was super woman and wrecked my back carrying a 17kg bag of dog food into the house

Poppy ( complete with bumble bee in the centre)in my garden which I am experimenting with to make a poppy and mullein cough syrup and meadowsweet along the river bank which I use regularly as an anti inflammatory. I so love finding medicinal plants in the wild

Waiting for the mullein to flower to make our winter stock of cough syrup. The " how to make" video is on U tube if you want to know how to make this wonderful cough syrup.

Had such an amazing walk in the Sussex countryside today so many medicinal plants in the hedgerows Beautiful scenery and a quintessentially English village

And here's this years batch


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