Once upon a tune
Once Upon A Tune offers musical fun for children in Aberdeenshire. Founder and Leader Diana is also a registered Storyteller with the Grampian Association of Storytellers and works with adults with learning disabilities. Call on 01224 790 403
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facebook.comOnce upon a tune will be there to provide storytelling and related activities. All types of stories from around the world.🌏🐊🐘🦋😎
As well as bringing my animal friends, I made lots of friends too. 🐈🐎🐴🐅
I told animal stories, animal tales for all at Willows Sanctuary as part of their Open Day on Saturday 9th September. Great fun.😁😍 🐅🐴🐎🐈
Had great fun storytelling at Willows Sanctuary on Saturday. I was in the Cat Hotel. A lovely atmosphere with cats, horses and sheep listening too. 😀😎🐾
Having a laugh with friends at Fraserburgh Church Centre - Once upon a tune was providing fun with music and rhythm. No shortage of rhythm in Fraserburgh.
Bob and Tattie Bogle having fun at Aden Country Park - a great place to go I was there to provide storytelling in the Museum and also for fun music with "Monsters" at Wild About Aden. COOL FUN
Yesterday at Havencourt Care Home in Stonehaven - such fun with music, rhythm & more.
And when I arrived we had so much fun with stories while going around the Museum and then with creative and imaginative interaction in the Theatre. Storytelling Sessions approx. 45mins to 1 hour on Tuesday 8th August - 10.30 - 12.30 For more details and to book: https://www.facebook.com/Aden-Country-Park-399672043382638/
Loading up for storytelling fun in Farming Museum at Aden tomorrow Sunday 6th August, 10.30am - 12.30pm Great fun for children and accompanying adults. Led by Diana Peers of Once upon a tune. More details see: https://www.facebook.com/Aden-Country-Park-399672043382638/
Today I was at Aden Country Park again to provide a story trail through the Farming Museum and then creative and imaginative fun in the Theatre. A lovely morning. More fun storytelling sessions on Sunday 6th and Tues 8th August - both at 10.30 - 12.30 pm. For more information and to book, see https://www.facebook.com/Aden-Country-Park-399672043382638/
Storytelling at Aden today. Also in Aug- Tues 1st, Sun 6th & Tues 8th from 10.30. To book and more details: https://www.facebook.com/Aden-Country-Park-399672043382638/
Today I was at Aden Country Park to provide storytelling - farming style. A great place to go. Will be there Tues 1st Aug,, Sun 6th Aug and Tues 8th August - from 10.30. Fab fun for children and accompanying adults Booking and more details from: .http://www.adencountrypark.org.uk/images/bannersforaden/whatson/05.jpg