Bike Craft
At Bike Craft Edinburgh it's not about the bike you ride but who you are. We are here to help with the the perfect commuter gear, services, maintenance classes and bike fits all tailored specifically for you! It’s not about the bike you have, but about who you are. Bike Craft Edinburgh offers a friendly, helpful service whether you’ve been riding for years or just starting out. Here you can find a warm welcome to the world of everything on two wheels – where anyone can enjoy riding and maintaining their bicycle
We would love for you to come down and join us in our Ferry Road shop, have a sit down and a cup of tea and talk about bikes. We can help you in whatever way you need from route suggestions round Edinburgh, maintenance tips for your bike or help with building up your perfect machine to fit you as it should, minus the aches and pains! Just pop in and let us know what we can do for you.
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Bike Craft would like to wish all our customers a very Merry Christmas, and thank everybody who has supported us over the last year. We invite you all to enjoy some special offers in store from Boxing Day!
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Have you ever marvelled at the encyclopaedic knowledge of our repair guys? Well why not buy the book where it all began. £20 and guaranteed to teach you far more than you'll ever need!
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Special thank you to all our customers this time of year! Especially Rachel with the @brewdogofficial beer and Fox Biscuits and Ross with the @stewartbrewing beer! Really can't thank you all enough. #notrachelandrossfromfriends #donteventhinktheyknoweachother #beer #craftbeer #bestpeople #bigfridaynight #almostchristmas #stillhavestockingfillers
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Great day testing out the @tacxperience small saddle bag! Worked with the Reverb, held my co2 inflator, spare cartridges, multi-tool with chain splitter, spare link and patches. Spare room and didn't rattle when rattling myself down the trail. Perfection 👌🏼 #enduro #specific #notjustfortheroadbike #glentress #redloop #tremendous #justwetenough #betterwhenitswetter #brap #mtb
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Bike have feelings too, treat that special someone to a new drivetrain this Xmas. You know they deserve it 😉 #xmasbikes #freshgoodiesfor2017 #105 #shimano #upgrades #11speed #nplus1 #xmasdoneright #overhaul #americanclassic
Photos from Bike Craft's post
These are our Christmas and New Year Opening Hours for both Ocean Terminal and Ferry Road. Ocean Terminal will be closed from 5pm on the 24th. Ferry Road will closed from 5pm both the 23rd and 24th. Ocean Terminal will be open 11-5 Boxing Day then 10-6 Tuesday the 27th to Friday the 30th. Ferry Road will be open for servicing and repair 12-5 Thursday the 29th and 10-5 Friday the 30th. Both shops are back to normal hours 3rd of January.
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The Bike Craft Cartel playlist is in full force this afternoon 👌🏼can be found o #buildplaylist #ferryroadjamz #allthechoons #cheese #michaeljackson #earth #planetearth #attenborough #isgod #spotify #tremendous
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More upgrades! Different customer, same chainset but upgrading to @sramroad Rival22 at the same. @amclassicwheels Victory 30s wrapped in @vittoriatires Rubinho Pro Controls. Perfect winter trainer now 👌🏼 #upgrades #wintertraining #quarq #sram #americanclassic #vittoria #graphene #doingitright #11speed #issramreallyanupgrade? #yesitis #doubletapthis #etapnext
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@knog Oi bells back in stock at Ferry Road! All colours! Get em quick before we sell out again! #lovethesebells #kickstarter #dingding #besafebeheard #sweetdinger #recommended #roadie #xmas #oceanterminal #edinburgh
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Quarq DZero is a bargain powermeter. Fresh this winter! #upgrades #powertraining #gainz #powerangers #bh #speedrom #recommended #watts #quarq #datadatadata
Great day was had today. Testing out @dtswiss E1900 wheelset today. Had them wrapped in @ridebontrager SE4 team issue tyres and they were 👌🏼 #glentress #ryansanoob #needsmoreexperience #OTBtwice #definitelytrying #hardtaillife #bontrager #superenduro4s #tubeless #mtb #dtswiss #e1900
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Ferry Road wasn't open today so the mechanics headed to Glentress to hit the trails! Here we have senior mechanic Cammie testing some steezy hot pink Thor goggles, now on sale in Ocean Terminal. They came out very favourably!