Business Innovation Zone
BIZ is a not-for-profit social enterprise supporting young people into work without Govt. funds. We raise revenue from the community for the community Gillian Humble is the Director and creator of the concept of The Business Innovation Zone (BIZ) and is a specialist in youth unemployment. Gill has been running her businesses in the Edenbridge area for the past four years researching ways to raise revenue to run youth employability schemes whilst encouraging the community to get involved. Gill was approached by the Eden Valley Chamber of Commerce asking for help with youth unemployment to engage the young people in the town. By bringing together everything already available in the community so as to not duplicate services Gill has been able to use and bring her concept to fruition. The initial help of John Surtees who donated a building in Fircroft Way and now the support of Sainburys who have continued to let Gill use the building, she is able to really show her vision of finding alternatives and little used ways of getting young people into work. By using her vast network and working collaboratively with other interested professionals Gill has brought a large amount of resources under one roof and is utilising local people to generate income for the employability projects, funds created are returned to the project to support other young people in the town.
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facebook.comBIZ is expanding into yet another new and exciting phase building on the already successful foundations and alternative routes we use supporting young people into employment. We are going to work with our older people in the community who may have a little time on their hands, or find themselves isolated at times, and want to, not only pass their skills on to young people, but also want to learn skills too such as gaining computer knowledge, how to use todays mobile phones and do secure on line shopping? We want to let you know of our new project which commences next week, its called S.T.A.R.T! which stands for Skills Transfer in Action and Resource Team. We already have Emily available to pass on her computer skills knowledge and is looking for people from the community who may be interested in using this scheme? We also have David who can build your website and discuss all things to do with social media, and tomorrow we have another new arrival, Jai fresh from college who has qualified in carpentry so we will set him to work on getting things organised for the workshop. Its all so very exciting! We also realise that we are not able to make a difference and do this tremendous work on our own, so we would like to take some time in thanking the people who are helping us. Huge thanks goes to Laura Burton-Lawrence who regularly writes our newsletter in the Edenbridge Directory telling the community of our success, to Terry Blake for his constant support and humour, to Richard of Blackdog Microsystems for providing us with Broadband for a year, to Sue Moore of Coffee with Moore as well as Linda and Linda who help us get things done regularly, to the Eden Valley Chamber of Commerce and members Peter and Di, James, Anita, Kam, Alan and others too many to mention, and finally to the heartbeat of the project Bevan who is an amazing person as well as considerably hard working, I thank you all!
Talk to a child behaviour specialist
Do you know of any school leavers that might be interested in an Office Junior position in the Edenbridge area? Please contact us on 01732 667250 for further details?
Timeline Photos
Reminder for the workshop coming to BIZ on the 3rd July, only 10 days to go! Book early to avoid disappointment!
How to have a happier and healthier dog
We at BIZ welcome Pennie back for another brilliant workshop. Book early to avoid disappointment.
Great News! We here at BIZ are constantly looking for ways to work differently within our community and as a result we are being contacted by professionals wishing to offer their services. Some weeks ago I was contacted by an Educational Psychologist who specialises in working with children with special education needs (SEN) and he has decided to work with us soon. He is going to offer his first sessions for free so if there are any parents who are finding it difficult to get the correct support for their children in their education then please contact us on 01732 667250. The spaces are limited and filling fast. We look forward to hearing from you. There will be a leaflet to follow soon.
Good afternoon on this great Wednesday! We are half way through the week already and looking forward to our visitors tomorrow and Friday, the place will certainly be packed! Today one of our new recruits started work with one of our clients in the community and both parties are very happy with the outcome. Other great news is we are having a lot of interest in our new scheme for older people known as "Men in Sheds"and will start this very soon after our European delegates return home at the weekend. We are planning to have something in place by the end of May so watch this space!!! If there are any of you out there that wish to find out more about this new project then please call us on 01732667250. We are so very proud of what we have achieved in the past year and look forward to what we will continue to achieve with sheer guts and determination. Thank you to my great team of young people working in the community, for the people in the community that believe in us and for the team of professionals that give up their time to support this project..................................cant do it without you all, thank you!
Well it's finally here, our really busy week of showcasing the work we do supporting young people into work. Our European colleagues from Spain and Italy have arrived and we welcome them to our project in Edenbridge. We have all been so very busy with lots of work coming in which is great. Josh continues to do very well working at Resimend, well done Josh, and we have 3 new young people that have started our working journeys course. We continue to build the electrical units as well as providing support for Sue at Coffee with Moore, we really are very busy and there is more work for us coming in everyday which we are enjoying. Bevan is doing a fabulous job of organising the Eden Valley Chamber of Commerce Loyalty Card and paperwork, well done Bevan! He is also doing food preparation and creating lots of posters and leaflets for the Eden Church. Dont forget contact us if you want information on what we do and to talk to us about the successes, and things we have achieved so far. We are looking forward to our very special gathering on friday to celebrate having our European colleagues as well as reaching our first birthday. Amongst our guests is our great supporter Tom Tugendhat MBE MP, we are grateful for his support, thank you Tom, also welcome is Laura Burton-Lawrence who has done a lot of work for us too, thank you Laura, and love your community show on thursdays on Channel radio, it always gives us an early morning boost! Have a good week everyone!
WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR FIRST BIRTHDAY AT BIZ! Congratulations and huge thanks to all of the people and businesses in the community who have helped us be so very successful with special thanks going to Sainsburys for the use of their building, John Surtees and his great staff for looking after the building for us, the Edenbridge Directory whose tireless support gets our news out to the community, Laura and Russell from the Community show on Channel Radio, The Eden Valley Chamber of Commerce, Richard Williams of Blackdog Microsystems for our internet, our volunteers whom without we would not have been a success, Terry Blake, Sue Moore, Paul Dunn, Ben Reynolds, David Wells, Sue Rule, Ben Brownless, Keith and Jennie Steptoe, Bridget and Peter Lincoln, Linda and Linda and to all the others who have rolled their sleeves up and believed in what we do we cant thank you enough! Apologies that its been a couple of weeks before updating but we have been so very busy! Due to the success of our support for Sue from Coffee with Moore her business has doubled with the orders for food, way to go Sue! We would like to thank the Plumbing Academy and Future Design for their support of BIZ as we are going from strength to strength now also doubling our workload. We have recruited 4 young people onto our employability course and have commenced with some joint working with the Jobcentre and the work program form RBLI. We are also starting a new venture for older people in the community who wish to continue using the extremely valuable skills they have. Its a project that is already well established and both Terry Blake, Bevan ansd I went to visit them on monday in Caterham. The project is called "Men in Sheds" and we are looking at ways in which to start this in the next couple of weeks from BIZ so watch this space! We would also like to announce the return of Pennie Clayton and her wonderful talks on animal health focusing on dogs and horses. We are organising a date and will inform you when this is arranged soon. We are very much looking forward to having you back Pennie it was a great event last time! The European Delegation event has all been organised and we are looking forward to greeting our fellow colleagues from Spain and Italy as well as our member of Parliament Tom Tugendhat MBE MP on the 29th April. If you would like any further information please contact us on 01732 667250 we want to hear from you. Thank you.
We are very proud to announce that Josh has successfully moved into a new work experience position in construction. Josh enjoys working outside and this is ideal for him. We wish Josh lots of luck to secure his position permanently in the next couple of weeks. Well done Josh!
Great News! We are looking for some young people who are presently unemployed between 18 - 24 who feel they need support in getting a job. We are running employability workshops as well as helping to raise self esteem, motivate and gain confidence to find work. The course will result in valuable work experience as well as a reference for future employment. Please contact us as soon as possible as the course starts week commencing 14th March with only a few spaces available.
Timeline Photos
The timetable for today. The talks have all been absolutely incredible. Looking forward to the rest of the day