Abbey Therapies, Dunfermline
Back and Neck Pain. Remedial Massage, Reflexology, Rehabilitation, Sports Injuries.
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facebook.comThe answering machine has decided it is having some time off which is causing a bit of a problem. It will be replaced tomorrow. If you are trying to get in touch please message me through this Facebook page. Thanks.
Hello everyone. If you are booked in at Abbey Therapies between 13th September and 17th September you will not be able to park outside. Seemingly The Council has deemed it far more important to allow the street to be shut off because of a film crew rather than support local businesses.
Only a handful of tickets left for this fabulous evening. Be quick.
Morning folks. It is Friday and my last day at work until Monday 26th June. Needing the break and looking forward to good weather, rest and writing. See you all soon.
A lovely and very generous thank you gift from a client today. I do love my work.
Good morning. I am back at work today so I will see how the leg holds out. Erin will be in touch with everyone that I had to cancel and reschedule the appointments. Please be patient as there is a fair bit to get through; I know you will. Thank you.
Good news and very much relieved that it is not a clot in my leg but I have a leaking cyst behind my knee. This i collecting in my lower leg causing the pain and swelling. I will be off for a few days but will keep everyone informed about appointments. Thanks again for the fab messages.
Good Morning. I am afraid I will be closed today as I need to back into Hospital with this suspect DVT(blood clot) It is getting scanned today so hopefully get to the bottom of it. I will be in touch with you if you have an appointment and I need to cancel. Thanks for your patience and nice messages. I have lovely clients.
Tickets now on sale but be quick as they will go fast. This will be a great evening. Contact me at the clinic or Fiona on the number below.
A nice wee addition to Abbey Therapies. A pressie from the Old Dear. It's an Aloe Vera plant. Don't see many of them about.
Great to see Calum back doing what he does best. As usual he was a joy to work with.
My new clock has just arrived for Abbey Therapies. I am fair chuffed with it. It's a great EP and it matches the decor. Result.