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Nicole Tait PT

City Quay, Dundee, United Kingdom



Friendly Personal Training at Good Health and Fitness in Dundee


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If you feel like you've gone backwards DON'T PANIC! There is still time to go forwards I have put on 5kg in the past few months... This doesn't make me any less proud, or any less happy with what my body can do right now. Externally I might look a little different, internally I know I still have the drive and determination to get to where I want. So what happened? A new environment, a whole new continent alongside a huge culture shift. Strange new foods too... I found comfort in finding familiar foods which were readily available 🍫🍫🍫🍫 What now... I could spend more time being comfortable and surviving on chocolate and crisps, and dwelling on the fact I don't look as good as I would like. OR I could be kind to myself and move on. Put in some effort to change, be consistent and accept the journey. Be kind to yourself, learn, move on.

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Photos from Nicole Tait PT's post

Client Spotlight- Here is Nicole Tait PT member Nichola sharing a little bit about her journey so far and what she has achieved so far. Nichola has done fantastic at over coming her own barriers and taking each day as it comes to become more consistent, stronger and healthier. (This was written a little while ago and Nichola can now hang for over 1 minute as well as skating regularly!) -What were your goals when you started? I wanted to feel and be healthier again. I'll admit I wanted to lose weight too but I saw that as less important than feeling fitter and stronger. -What have been your achievements or biggest takeaway so far? Being able to hang from the bars for more than a few seconds! Actually I think it has been sticking with this journey I'm on and what I've learned along the way. I definitely feel healthier. I'm more focussed on eating well. I walk more and count my steps. I go swimming. I've been able to skate again a few times with Dundee Roller Girls. I'm realistic about what I can and can't do. I'm proud of myself if I can but not so hard on myself if I can't. By the way the first one is actually true too!! -How do you feel now? I feel very proud of myself! At the start of the year my body could crash even after a short walk. By building slowly on what I did with Nicole I'm less worried about this sort of thing happening now. I also want to keep going to get much fitter and stronger. -What would you say to others thinking of joining? For me this is still a long journey but to get to where you want to go you need to start. It has helped so much to have Nicole alongside me on my journey so far. She will adjust the session if I'm having a hard day physically. She will push me but also pull me back if I'm heading towards overdoing it. So to others I would say go for it. You never know how far you can go unless you try!

Photos from Nicole Tait PT's post

Photos from Nicole Tait PT's post

The journey to a plank!! Today Cecilia achieved her goal of a straight arm plank on the floor. It took some belief and trust in herself but with determination and a positive mindset she achieved what was previously in her 'impossible' list. Absolutely amazing!

Photos from Nicole Tait PT's post

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A few months ago during a training session Cecilia saw another gym member performing a plank. Immediately she said 'I could never do that!' - Last week we started our journey towards a floor plank with this plank variation. There has been a good few moments over the last couple of weeks where Cecilia has surprised herself with her own abilities and achievements. Fantastic stuff :D

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I spent the past weekend learning from some of the top names in the fitness industry. Regardless of being big names and incredibly knowledgable, every single speaker genuinely cared. Not only about sharing as much as they could but it was clear they cared about the people they train and the people we train ourselves. - One thing that popped up throughout the weekend was the importance of habits. A fantastic idea from Dan John was 'Shark Habits'. The essence of this is making things easier for yourself by setting a go-to response for a situation, therefore removing the decision needed in that moment. For example knowing what is for breakfast everyday of the week and having that available so in the morning you have more brain space and time to complete your morning efficiently. - Have a think about a decision you might have to make frequently which could be exchanged for a set response. Give it a try for a week....Shark Habit = One bite and it's DONE!

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Feeling Sluggish? Feeling a tad tired occasionally is normal. The simplest way to wake yourself up is to get moving asap! - Take a walk, throw out some arm circles, wiggle those hips, get down and do some spine curls. These are actions that can be completed mostly anywhere, just increase that blood flow. - If you find yourself becoming a regular slug it may be time to take into consideration bigger parts of your lifestyle. Here are some good starting points. - Analyse your sleep patterns (aim for 7-9 hours a night) -Ensure your vitamin and mineral intake is good by keeping a food diary for the week (aiming for a variety of ‘5 a day’) -Keep a track of water intake (2-3 litres) - Of course there may be other issues, change what you can and see what works. Don’t just accept the ‘slug feeling’!

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Help Cecilia make a difference

One of my wonderful clients Cecelia will be doing a sponsored swimathon on the 26th of August at Olympia. She will be swimming for two hours hoping to complete at least one mile. - All money raised will be going towards a day trip for Cornerstone Charity Dundee Community Support Service. Cecilia has been doing a great job training both in the pool and in the gym, if you would like to sponsor her just click on the link.

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This is what a great workout looks like! ;) Great session with Nichola today, finishing of with one of the rather tasty carrot cakes that are in the gym today. Thanks Laura for making today a cake day <3

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Here is Cecilia demonstrating fantastic dumbbell deadlifts in one of her sessions this week. Cecilia is super dedicated and hasn't missed a session in the past three months we have been working together. She is making excellent progress in her movement ability and weight loss. - The dumbbell deadlift from the box is a great variation of a deadlift. There are many different variations of particular exercises to choose from. If we select the one best suited to the individual, from beginners to seasoned gym goers, then everyone gets the most out their session.

Here is Cecilia demonstrating fantastic dumbbell deadlifts in one of her sessions this week. Cecilia is super dedicated and hasn't missed a session in the past three months we have been working together. She is making excellent progress in her movement ability and weight loss.
The dumbbell deadlift from the box is a great variation of a deadlift. There are many different variations of particular exercises to choose from. If we select the one best suited to the individual, from beginners to seasoned gym goers, then everyone gets the most out their session.

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Are you aware of your nibbles?! Nibbling is the downfall of many on their journey to becoming fitter, leaner and healthier. It is all too easy to unconsciously nibble through out the day particularly whilst cooking, walking past the fridge, giving the kids a snack or even on sneaky treats passed around the office. A treat here and there may seem innocent alongside a balanced diet but unaccounted snacks and nibbles can easily add up an extra 1000+ calories throughout the week. There are options to combat nibbling depending on the individual, of course what may work well for one may not work for another. 1- Make yourself a rule that you cannot eat a meal or a planned snack without sitting down. This allows for a conscious decision to eat rather than floating through the kitchen grabbing the odd Jammie Dodger. 2- Have a selection of go to options if you need a snack. For example - portions of fruit, carrot sticks and humous, greek yoghurt. 3- Plan your meals and snacks for the day. Avoid deviating from the plan, the simpler the better particularly if this is through the work week and needs to be prepared. If you need to, schedule in your naughtier snacks - they are not naughty if in moderation with the rest of your week! If you have any ways you combat the nibbles yourself I would love to hear them. I know I find it tough when my Mums been baking her signature cakes back home!

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NINJA GOOOO! Cathy has been working hard over the past couple of weeks training for Ninja Warrior UK. She will find out soon if she has been successful but in the mean time it has been non stop hanging, leaping, climbing and balancing with incredible effort and determination. We have had great fun trying to replicate movements and obstacles which she might come across on the day... Maybe don't try this one at home one your curtains!

NINJA GOOOO! Cathy  has been working hard over the past couple of weeks training for Ninja Warrior UK. She will find out soon if she has been successful but in the mean time it has been non stop hanging, leaping, climbing and balancing with incredible effort and determination. We have had great fun trying to replicate movements and obstacles which she might come across on the day...

Maybe don't try this one at home one your curtains!

Nichola Hang

Here is Nichola achieving a 30 second active hang, which is fantastic after having an original time of about 5 seconds. - Her goal is to beat her son at the park who is currently at 47 seconds! - Alongside a good program, being able to hang from your hands benefits hand, wrist and shoulder health as well as being a tough strengthening exercise for your upper body and grip strength. It is a great base to progress to lots of other exciting movements too.

Nichola Hang


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