Steph's Swim School
Friendly female instructors
Private lessons available for adults and children Friendly female instructors
Private lessons available for adults and children
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facebook.comHilton East Midlands Swimmers Only; Re-enrolment onto our Spring 2018 term has now opened. You should now be in receipt of our email. Please note that priority booking ends on 1st April therefore please ensure you have re-enrolled on the system by this date to secure your place. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind Regards Claire Admin
Happy mothers day to all of our lovely, beautiful mummies!! We hope you have a lovely day 💐💐 xx
These were left at Grace Dieu tonight Friday 9 March. Please would you let us know if they are yours Thanks, Charlotte
Crash courses and Private Lessons available and aimed at providing very fast progression! We are now on our 6th round of crash courses and with our highly experienced team, have witnessed such huge progressions with all of our students. Crash course booked in 3x 30 minute lessons. Blocks are £20 for all 3 sessions. A number of stages available, with lessons running 9-11am. Private lessons also available, 30 minute lesson for £20. Message us now to book, spaces are going quickly!
Sneaky peek anyone? This room will become our pool! Lots of hard work from local trades, they've been really busy! Were now on countdown.. 14 days till the pool arrives from Italy! Ahh, we can't wait!!xx
WESTGATE SWIMMERS ONLY; Cancellation of Lessons - 6th March 2018 We have just been informed by the school that due to last week's weather they have suffered damage to their pipes and as such they have no water or heating. This has resulted in the school being closed until Thursday. Due to the site being closed we are unable to use their pool and therefore have no alternative but to cancel lessons tomorrow. An email has been sent out to this effect. Please accept our apologies for this cancellation, it is completely our of our control. Tomorrow's cancelled lessons shall be credited back to you at re-enrolment. Kind Regards Claire Admin
A big happy birthday to our lovely Steph! We hope you've had a great day. Lots of love, Charlotte, Claire, Rosie, Kay, Madison, Victoria, Megan, Caitlin, Ellie and of course, all of your fishes and parents xxx
Lessons on Sunday 4th March All venues will be open for lessons tomorrow! Hinckley academy, Hilton east midlands and grace dieu. **Hilton East Midlands, there is a slight drop in the air temperature on poolside so please can you ensure that the children have towels ready on poolside as soon as they get out of the pool. Thanks, Charlotte x
Lesson cancellations 3/3/18 Hinckley Academy & Hilton East Midlands will both be full cancellations tomorrow. We will update tomorrow for Sundays lessons. Please can you comment on this post /respond to texts and emails so that we know you've received the message. Thanks, Charlotte x
Saturday Hinckley academy swimmers... We are trying to decide whether or not to cancel lessons tomorrow. We really don't like cancelling lessons but we'd like your input. How likely is it that you'll be able to make it? Please comment below and we'll make a majority decision xx
HINCKLEY ACADEMY & GRACE DIEU SWIMMERS ONLY; Re-enrolment for our Spring 2018 term is now open. Email have been sent, please check your inbox. Priority booking ends on 25th March, therefore please ensure you have booked onto the system by this date. Kind Regards Claire Admin