Butterfly Blue Day Nursery
Ofsted graded Outstanding private day nursery, Holiday and After school Club.
Providing a full service of wrap around care to the community.
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facebook.comButterfly Blue Day Nursery are pleased to anounce that our parents evening will held the week commencing Monday 25th April 2016. Butterfly Class parents evening will be held on Tuesday 26th & Wednesday 27th April. Butterflies parents evening will be held on Friday 29th April. Ladybirds parents evening will be held on Wednesday 27th April. Caterpillars parents evening will be held on Thursday 28th April. Bumblebees parents evening will be held on Monday 25th April. Please book your appointments through the office with Marta now.
We are really pleased to report that we raised £105.38 for Comic Relief! Well done everyone that took part in the days activities. Thank you all very much. Thursday 24th March will be our Easter Fun Day! All the children are welcome to dress up in any fancy dress if they wish too, we will be having a day of fun activities including egg and spoon race and an Easter egg hunt around the nursery. Easter Half term dates are Thursday 24th March last day of term and we recommence on Monday 11th April. For those children not here in the half term we hope you have a lovely holiday!
We would like to say a very big thank you to everyone who has taken part in our activities for Comic relief and also for all the lovely cakes that you donated, we will let you know how much we raised on Monday. WELL DONE EVERYONE!
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Hello to all our lovely parents and carers, Easter time will soon be apon us, so once again we will be holding our annual "Easter Bonnet Competition". We look forward to seeing all your imaginative and creative Bonnets, the bigger and bolder the better! All bonnets will be judged on Monday 11th April 2016. Have fun and enjoy!
Thursday 17th March is St Patricks day, please feel free to dress up your children in green to celebrate the day! Comic Relief Day! Friday 18th March will be a fun filled day for all the children. We will be organising an obstacle course "Sheeplechase" for 3-5 year olds; dancing with "Shimmy and Timmy" and baking cakes with the 2-3 year olds and for the babies up to 2 years "Bumpy's Crawl race and wriggle. We are looking to raise money for this lovely cause, so dress in red, bring in the pennies and enjoy some of our baked goodies. If you like, come and join us from 2.30 - 3.30 and witness the fun yourself! Any donations of cakes, biscults or muffins will be gratefully recieved so we can raise as much money as possible!
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Here at Butterfly Blue Day Nursery we will be taking part in the British Science week (BSW) it is a ten day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths - featuring fascinating, entertaining and engaging events and activities across the UK for people of all ages. Therefore, in Butterfly Blue we will be holding a lot of lovely science orienated activites throughout the rooms for the children to explore and experience with. Look out for the photos around the nursery.
World Book day tomorrow on 3rd March 2016, all children are welcome to dress up as a character from their favorite book. We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Good Afternoon to all our lovely mummy's and carers, Butterfly Blue day Nursery would like to invite you all to our Mother's day Tea Party on Friday 4th March at 3.30pm. Everyone is welcome to join us even if your child/children does not attend nursery on Friday's. We look forward to seeing you all here! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
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Hello to all our facebook followers, We would like to let you know what the children at nursery have enjoyed throughout January and the activities in February. Our children have created some wonderful artwork to celebrate Chinese New Year including Dragons, Lanterns and Monkeys. They have enjoyed playing with oats and making shortbread biscults to celebrate Burns Night. We dressed up and had a teddy bears picnic for our "Winnie the Pooh day" Our lovely cook Sue made the children pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. The children also lovingly made various gifts and momentos for Valentines day, heart shaped biscults, cards and hand prints with poems. All throughout the nursery in February the children will be looking at:- Winter and all it brings. Exploring their senses. Learning about Transport and Construction. Understanding Social Development and Emotions. Discovering our Solar system and Planets.
Butterfly Blue day Nursery 3rd Birthday