Apricot Centre Wellbeing Service for Children and Families
This is a Child and Family Wellbeing and Specialist Therapy Service, offering assessments and interventions for children and families. Offering mental health wellbeings services to children, young people and families in East Anglia (Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk) and South Devon (including Torbay). Most of our staff have CAMHS experience. We are CQC registered for services in East Anglia
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facebook.comThe big weave tomorrow!
This is the big day when the real weaving begins. We have been designing and preparing this Sensory Basket Swing for OT sensory activities for young people (sensory integration working in vestibular system). There is a welded steel frame structure and hazel structures ready to be woven and worked together. Picture shows the steel frame. Thursday we start at the Barn at 10am sorting and grading and meeting for about an hour and then we will hold all parts of the frame together to test the overall shape and then we start weaving. The more the merrier. Please come and join us. You can ring Mark on 07588 633561 if you get lost or need info. Or text in case signal is bad. Kids welcome
shape as as Ian says the materials are always seeking to veer off. Next week there will be weaving sessions Tuesdays to Friday on site either at the barn or if the weather allows down at the farm school area below the polytunnels where the frames will be tied in the trees and woven in site
Great day today starting the weaving
Sorting and weaving today and tomorrow
Hi Folks We’ve been working for quite some time towards designing funding and now making a Basket Swing for good sensory experiences for young people at the Sensory Wonderland Area on the farm. The crowdfunded raised 1/4 of the funds but additionally we were gifted quite a bit of willow from various places. We have also benefitted hugely from months of dreaming and designing with Ian Harper (see images) who will help us with welding weaving and tying it all together. Your help and involvement will be very welcome these coming 2 weeks. Particularly this week from Wednesday to Friday and we will probably continue working into the first week of Easter. Please respond to this email when you think you might join us. Mostly 10-3pm is a good guideline. Also a chance to catch-up and meet others. I will also post some Facebook events . If you would like to bring young people with you this would be great and please plan that with me first so we get the combinations right. If you haven’t been here before at Huxhams Cross Farm then come to the Barn at Huxhams Cross Farm, Rattery Lane TQ96AA. Phone me if you get lost 07588633561 You can now park next to the barn but be warned there is building work taking place so we are never quite sure of Say to day changes. If you come and we are not there then walk down the slope towards the polytunnels and go through the wooden gate ahead and slightly to the left. We will be at the bottom of that field known as the Grove (orchard) Warmly and weaving Mark Mark O'Connell - Registered Manager - The Apricot Centre CIC Wellbeing Service www.apricotcentrewellbeingservice.co.uk
Something we are working on in Apricot Centre work is the need for touch alongside the issues of consent and respect for personal space. How as an organisation working with children do we approach touch? This article give some important perspectives
Hi Folks, I know it's crazy, because of the heavy snow, but this event is on, rain, slush, or snow. I will just be there at the barn waiting to have a walk with anyone who comes. See you there, all being well! Mark O'Connell
Thank you all for your generous donations for our crowdfunding project for the Sensory Wonderland. We have raised enough money to start work on our basket swing! If you fancy helping us build our Sensory Wonderland then please get in touch. Thank you again ~ The Apricot Team
TODAY IS OUR LAST FUNDRAISING DAY! Thank you all so much for your monetary donations, your kind words of encouragements and all our lovely volunteers who have been working tirelessly to start to get the space ready. If you are able to please donate to this brilliant cause we would greatly appreciate your support. If you would like to help us by donating your time, we are looking for volunteers to help us create our sensory wonderland. Just drop us a message for details. www.crowdfunder.co.uk/the-apricot-centre-sensory-gymnasium/?utm_source=crowdfunder&utm_medium=dashboardfacebookblock&utm_content=shareonfacebook&utm_campaign=marketing
What a generous and lovely lot you are! We have raised a wonderful £200 and we have 3 days left, let’s try and raise some more!!! Thank you so much for those who have already donated! This really is going to help so many children. If you can’t donate money but want to help us by donating your time, we are looking for volunteers to help us create our sensory wonderland. Just drop us a message for details. www.crowdfunder.co.uk/the-apricot-centre-sensory-gymnasium/?utm_source=crowdfunder&utm_medium=dashboardfacebookblock&utm_content=shareonfacebook&utm_campaign=marketing
We have 4 days left to try and raise a little money for our Sensory Wonderland area which will allow us to work with some of the most vulnerable young people. If you can afford to please donate whatever you can. www.crowdfunder.co.uk/the-apricot-centre-sensory-gymnasium/?utm_source=crowdfunder&utm_medium=dashboardfacebookblock&utm_content=shareonfacebook&utm_campaign=marketing