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facebook.com@Neil_Gibb will be on Radio Essex on 28th February at 1.15pm if you want to hear more about #TheParticipationRevolution
It's just two weeks till our event with Neil Gibb - if you want to come please make sure you get a ticket from the store or online at https://tinyurl.com/y8bxzxms in advance.
Find out about adapting to a rapidly changing future & hear about Neil Gibb's new book, The Participation Revolution.
It's storytime with Sibel Beadle today at 11am.📚🤩📚
We still have some tickets left for our evening with Liz Trenow on Monday.
Here is a review of Liz Trenow's latest novel In Love & War. You can hear more about it at her evening at the store on Monday 29th January- follow this link if you want to buy tickets or call us on 01206 561307. https://tinyurl.com/y7t2f2jt
Join us for a super-fun Harry Potter Book Night Quiz-Pre-booking is required.
Please join us for a fun Harry Potter Quiz Night (you will need to purchase a £2 ticket from the store). It will be a maximum of 5 people per team & is open to all ages. Test your Potter knowledge & there will be a prize for the winning team. Call us on 01206 561307 for more information.
You can buy tickets for our evening with Liz Trenow on line or from the the store. 📚📚📚