Paceautomotive Body Repairs Ltd
Scuffs, scrapes, dents and dings a speciality. We take pride on being Colchester's most caring body repair company. If we can do it for you we'll do it
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Range Rover Wheels...
Not our normal request but if it gets brought to us we’ll paint it, and paint it well😘
No one ever made a difference by being the same as everyone else...
Just a few of our paintjobs recently..
Love a Genuine BMW Parts delivery 😫😫😫💸💸💸
We’re gonna hate getting our hands on this for a bit of PaceAutomotive love...Boyden knows!!
Orange Focus colour problems...not at PaceAutomotive Body Repairs!!
Ooooo Laa laa.
We took this little Eunos from zero to hero after a local company previously hid all the rust under layers of filler...not us though...
Latest masterpiece
This little Eunos was restored after a horrible previous repair. Not a spot of rust remains ❤️😉