TRB Farriery
Hello all my name is Thomas Bradbury I am a 3rd generation Farrier
I cover Derbyshire Nottinghamshire and south yorkshire
all types of work undertaken
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facebook.comMornings all this it's just a Little bit of fun for anyone really. So this is a Dressage horse iv shod this morning with a toe piece welded into the toes of both hind feet. Why do you think I have made this modification to the shoe ? what may it help ? And What may be wrong or an issue with the horse No googling 😂😂
New signage in the van to cover the back window 😄 #WE15HOD
Just a little before and after 👌😄#farrier #Teambradbury
A little before and after 🙂#Teambradbury #farrierlife
What started as a little whole turned out to be quite a big one A horse came to me with a slight lameness and what seemed to be a little hole in his foot from an old abscess ? But up to investigation the little who was jus let the start I end up taking off the whole of the sole "with a vet supervision" and having to fit a heart bar for total foot support and a hospital plate so that the team could get it to clean the foot and cove it back up to stop and more dirt getting in the affected area With all our work the horse is now back at home completely sound and enjoying life again 😄 just a quick reminder it's always important to look around you horses feet and if you see anything unusual just ask 😄
TRB Farriery
TRB Farriery
TRB Farriery
TRB Farriery
Photos from TRB Farriery's post
The new TRB farrier work wear 👌 Also available for you to order just speak to me when you see me or message me 07815611310 if interested I can have your name or horse name etc a few have been wanting them already so I can add you to the order if you quick the price is £30 cheers