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Staveley Hall

Staveley Hall Drive, Chesterfield, United Kingdom
Wedding Venue



Staveley Hall is available for Events, Weddings, Conferences and more. We welcome everyone to come and take a visit either for a  tour or a tea! Staveley Hall is a historic building originally built in 1066 and given to the Musard family until 1306, since then it has homed another two families, the Frecheville Family until 1682 who in this time did some of their own renovations to the building, and finally the Duke of Devonshire who owned the building until the Staveley Urban District Council bought it.
The Hall was designated by English Heritage as a listed Grade 2 building in 1974 and has recently gone under a £4.8 Million restoration. Adjoining with the Stables which have been converted in offices and work spaces.
The Hall itself houses our Coffee Shop, Offices and event rooms.
We also have a permanent Inflatable Hall (the AirHall) which is set up for events.


WHAT A NIGHT!! A big thank you to everyone who came to our Rod Stewart Tribute night last night! It was a brilliant turn out and a the entertainment was fantastic! Thank you to Garry Pease for coming along and treating us to an excellent evening!

We welcome the Ireland Colliery Brass Band to Staveley Hall for a night of musical entertainment. We are also offering a pea and pie supper (in with the price of the ticket) and we will have a cash bar on the night. Tickets are available from Staveley Hall or Staveley Council Office on High Street

If you haven't been able to get a ticket please join us for our next event: Ireland Colliery Chesterfield Brass Band Friday 13th April Doors open at 7pm Advanced Ticket Sales £10.00 per ticket Please come along for some brilliant music and a great night out! Tickets can be bought from either Staveley Hall or Staveley Town Council offices on High Street

WE ARE SOLD OUT! Thank you so much to everyone who has bought a ticket! Final preparations this week then we are ready to rock and roll! We are very excited and can't wait for Thursday! See you then!

TICKETS ALMOST GONE!! Tickets are flying! We only have a few left! Our Tribute night to Rod Stewart is getting busier and busier.. and we couldn't be happier! It looking to be a brilliant night! Wonderful singing, Pie and Peas and a Bar! (cash bar only) Entertainment and Supper included in the £10 for your ticket! Come and get your tickets so you don't miss out!!

Our Rod Stewart Tribute Night is 8 Days away! We have a brilliant night planned for you all with amazing entertainment and a tasty Pea and Pie Supper! Tickets are £10, there are still a few tickets available If you haven't got yours yet make sure you don't miss out! Doors open at 7pm and Garry will be starting at 7:30pm Either call into Staveley Hall or the Council Offices on High Street Or ring on 01246 385200 (payments can be taken over the phone)

We are back up and running with the phones and internet! Phew!

Currently our Phones and internet are not working! If you are wanting to get in contact please keep trying through the day or call in! Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience

Next Thursday! Is our Rod Stewart Tribute Night! Make sure to get your tickets to avoid missing out on a brilliant night out with some amazing entertainment and dinner all for only £10! Bring your friends or your family the more the merrier! We hope to see you there! If you want to check Garry Pease (Rod Stewart Tribute) then please check out his website
