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Abi Joan Equine

Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, United Kingdom
Sports & Recreation



16 year old aspiring show jumper. With a goal to make it to the top. Hi, a little bit more info about me, what I do and hope to achieve

I have been riding since I was little, with my family being horsey, iv always been around the animals.
I am now 15 years old. but am to tall to compete ponies, so I compete horses.
im very interested in Breaking/Schooling/Retraining horses, and after rescuing and Producing my own thoroughbred. this is an area which is now an interest.
I can offer, help, support and Freelance Ride problem Horses over 14.2 (if chunkier) and over 15.1 if sporty etc
Sorry not ponies.
I am no pro. and am only 15. But my most Experience is in problems. and am happy to help as it gets me more experience:)

Can also groom.

theses are all for hobby's and is not a job. purely for abit of extra pocket money to spend on my own horses.

I am horse mad:) and when im not with my horses you often find me at home studying the animals and learning new facts:)

I have a team behind me who help me 24/7 with my competing horse Americana. Without that team I wouldn't be able to compete her and have her in 5* condition and ready for every show we will face this season. Shes on a great yard:)

Lolly I do everything myself:).

I hope you follow my journey and support us through the highs and lows which will be faced.


Long time no write, been a busy bee. And never seem to stop! I love this juice bar in regent arcade Cheltenham! Every morning I get my Healthy green smoothie before work or doing the horses, it powers me through the day and gives me ulimtate energy aswell as detoxing and making me feel so much better in myself!, so recommend this place not just for smoothies but for healthy meals! It's great for cheat days too where you can get chocolate smoothies or even maybe try a popcorn smoothie?!! So recommend thanks guys'. Buzz Juice Bar ❤️

Someone was sleepy💗🐴

Will have a few quality horses in over the next few months if anyone's interested, can just about get anything- let me know what you're looking for 😀...

3 year old (rising 4) coloured, posb be for sale in the next few months. Such a beautiful little thing!! So well behaved!

Lovely 16hh Irish bred gelding. A little project for myself!

Parker popping 1.30😀

Right ladies and gents! Ive noticed the activity on this page has gone right down!, I want to interact with as many of you as I can! So to do this I'm holding a competition!! ❤️💛💚💜 For the chance to win a bling browband (pictured below!) 🐴 All you have to do is follow theses simple instructions ❤️Make sure you've liked the page! 💛share the page! (I will be checking!) 💙tell me what style size and colour you'd like in the comments! 💗Tag 2+ friends (the more you tag the more chance you have of winning!) In this post 💝and share this post!! Winner will get a choice of colour and size (full and cob) out of theses browbands below! Winner will be announced when the page hits 1500 likes!! So get liking and sharing!!

Very small jump up to 80cm (triple bar) due to the weather 👍🏻!! This horse is actually getting my confidence back and I'm enjoying jumping again!!; definitely excited to jump him some more, now my confidence is coming back, so glad I found such a wonderful horse to get my confidence back 😌 hopefully won't be long until we're jumping some decent tracks🍂, so lucky, love my boy❤️...

Lolly and Otis!❤️

2nd ever jump on Parker :)

Parker 😀


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