Mission Fitness Cardiff
We are a class based Cardiff fitness studio offering everything from Spin to Pilates. Our classes are suitable for everyone but we do like to work hard whilst making you laugh. We are very informal and we have a friendly, relaxed club.
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facebook.comTry this finisher at the end of your next workout: 20secs each no rest Downhill holds, tuck jumps, power lunges, walk out to press up, oblique squat thrusts, squat jumps, skaters, lateral squat walks. #metafit #avalanche #legsday #missionfitnesscardiff
😃Stock up on blocks of 10 before the price increase. £50 instead of £55 😃Sign up for the UNLIMITED membership before the price increase. £40 instead of £45 😃 Stock up on Personal Training Sessions before the price increase. £250 instead of £275. Price increase from 1st May. www.missionfitnesscardiff.com
MASSIVE well done to Emma one of our awesome FitMums! Crazy hot day which meant that many didn’t finish! HUGE congratulations Emma B you were awesome! X x x
Last chance to sign up for our discounted RUN CLUB! May-October Monday 6.45-7.30pm Sunday 7.30am Includes all training plans from 5k-Marathon and online support group. OR Sign up for our UNLIMITED membership and get it FREE! £40 per month for 63 classes per week. www.missionfitnesscardiff.com
Omg I beat Bradley Simmonds! As many of you know I follow him on Instagram because I fully respect his work as a fellow PT 😉 However, to know I smashed him by a full 8 mins is fantastic news! Perhaps I should go into celebrity training???!!! It was a scorcher yesterday and I’m very glad it’s over. 1 down 1 to go! #vlm2018 #itwashot #mylegshurt #ihaveaheadache #ihaventmissedhangovers #missionfitnesscardiff #newportmarathon #letsdoitagain
SUNDAY FUNDAY WITH ANNA!!!! Run Club interviews Bootcamp LBT Ninja Matrix Metafit..... Killer We love it #MissionFitness #Intervaltraining #Legburner #NinjaMatrixMetafit #Smashit
In honour of the London Marathon we are holding a 24 hour sale!! Are you crying yet??!! I am!!! Inspired by today’s runners? Fancy setting yourself a goal and starting to run? Need to get a PB in 2018? Well join us!!! Summer Run Club starts again in May. We have 2 sessions per week which meet Mission Fitness Cardiff and are suitable for all levels of fitness: Monday 6.45-7.30pm (Intervals & Speed) Sunday 7.30am (Longer Runs) Membership Includes: 💪 Access to all training plans from 5k-Marathon 💪 Online support group where you can chat to other runners, organise weekly runs, get advice on all aspects of running 💪 2 x Training Sessions per week May-Sept 💪 Cardiff Half Marathon 12 Weeks countdown and training runs for all levels. 💪 Run routes supplied We currently have a mix of fitness levels from people that walk / run 5k to marathon runners so please don’t think we can’t cater for you. For 24 hours you get all of this for JUST £39 (£1 per session). Usual price £49. Book online TODAY www.missionfitnesscardiff.com and go to our online store. Run club is included in your membership if you’re an UNLIMITED member.
In honour of the London Marathon we are holding a 24 hour sale!! Inspired by today’s runners? Fancy setting yourself a goal and starting to run? Need to get a PB in 2018? Well join us!!! Summer Run Club starts again in May. We have 2 sessions per week which meet Mission Fitness Cardiff and are suitable for all levels of fitness: Monday 6.45-7.30pm (Intervals & Speed) Sunday 7.30am (Longer Runs) Membership Includes: 💪 Access to all training plans from 5k-Marathon 💪 Online support group where you can chat to other runners, organise weekly runs, get advice on all aspects of running 💪 2 x Training Sessions per week May-Sept 💪 Cardiff Half Marathon 12 Weeks countdown and training runs for all levels. 💪 Run routes supplied We currently have a mix of fitness levels from people that walk / run 5k to marathon runners so please don’t think we can’t cater for you. For 24 hours you get all of this for JUST £39 (£1 per session). Usual price £49. Book online TODAY www.missionfitnesscardiff.com and go to our online store. Run club is included in your membership if you’re an UNLIMITED member.
Come on Clare Wheeler!!!!!! We are all behind you cheering you on! If anyone hasn’t sponsored Clare then here is the link, she has worked so hard for this - getting her training in at obscene times of the day and even giving up her beloved prosecco😂! Smash it clare!!!! https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=ClareWheeler4&pageUrl=1
One more sleep! I’m very excited about my lap of honour tomorrow after a winter of training through ALL weathers including snow! It’s going to be 22degrees tomorrow which is a tad warm but hey ho it’s a day out sight seeing in London. I won’t be starting until 10.40am as I’m at the back of the pens with the large inflatables and fancy dress!!! Thank you to everybody that’s sponsored me for this awesome charity I’m very grateful. It’s not too late so here’s the link for everybody that has asked. See you on the other side with the largest glass of dry white wine you’ve EVER seen! https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=ClareWheeler4&pageUrl=1 #vlm2018 #royalbritishlegion #londonmarathon #itsgoingtobehot #thankyouforsponsoringme
Last chance to sign up for our £40 UNLIMITED membership.............
6am Clubbers training at the coolest time of the day! #heatwavedrama #timeforshorts #isthisoursummer #beachbodyready #6amclub #6amworkout #missionfitnesscardiff #fitnessclassescardiff #noexcuses