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Art of Float

1 Hawthorn Way, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Health Spa



Floatation Studio

The Art of Floatation:
Floatation is a cutting edge method of relaxation and recovery for the mind and body. Our state of the art floatation pods are housed in a specially designed float studio - your very own personal space for 60 minutes of pure bliss.

The highly dense epsom salt-water solution within the pod allows you to float effortlessly, suspending and relieving the body from the stresses of gravity; the float-studio environment enables a state of sensory-deprivation, reducing distractions such as light, sound and physical ‘touch’ sensations, which  heightens levels of perception, leaving the mind sharp and clear.

By facilitating a meditative state, the synergistic effect of all aspects of the floatation experience leaves the mind to work at its most efficient, allowing physical and mental recovery and extreme relaxation, increasing well-being, and enabling accelerated learning, goal visualizing and much, much more.

The Art:
A free house of dynamic, original artwork. Resident artists both featuring and curating the gallery space in cooperation with highly credible artists from around the world along with the best local talent.


Guess the well known yoga pose! Floatation Therapy is extremely complimentary to yoga 🧘‍♀ Meditation is a common component of many yoga classes, but the practice can be challenging and sometimes frustrating, especially for beginners. For some people, quieting down your brain can simply feel like an impossibility. Flotation therapy helps to slow down brain waves, taking the brain from its higher beta state into an alpha state. In alpha state, a brain mode closely associated with deep meditation, the brain releases theta waves and the mind is quiet. Achieving theta state through meditation alone might take months or years, but it can take as little as 20 minutes in a flotation tank. Some even joke about the ease with which alpha state can be accomplished in a flotation tank by calling it “lazy yoga.” #floatationtherapy #yoga @art_of_float #epsomsalt #downwarddog #downwardfacingdog #yogapose #sensorydeprivation #meditate #meditation #theta #alpha #alphastate #cambridge #lazyyoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogalife #floatlife

Guess the catchphrase! @art_of_float #catchphrase #floatationtherapy #rest #sensorydeprivation #cambridge #quiz #guess #saywhatyousee #float #epsomsalt #meditate #mindfulness #think

A post about post: get your gift cards in time for Christmas #xmas @art_of_float #floatationtherapy #cambridge #floatationtherapy #experience #gift #giftforhim #giftforher #artoffloat #xmas #christmas #voucher #shopping #different #cambridge #post #posting

A post about post: get your gift cards in time for Christmas #xmas @art_of_float #floatationtherapy #cambridge #floatationtherapy #experience #gift #giftforhim #giftforher #artoffloat #xmas #christmas #voucher #shopping #different #cambridge #post #posting

Looking for an original Christmas gift idea? Here is a great gift for anyone! 60 minutes session in the 'Float Studio' at Art of Float Floating on water, dense with so much Epsom salt that you are suspended on the surface, relieved from gravity. Temperature, sound and light carefully controlled in order to activate a theta brain state to achieve ultimate relaxation for both the mind and the body. #cambridge #giftidea #christmas #Xmas #xmasshopping #cambrideuniversity #floating #sensorydeprivation

The latest wellness trend in Cambridge @art_of_float Floatation Therapy is the unforgettable relaxation and performance enhancing experience for mind and body. Popular with Sports and business professionals, students, pain sufferers and those just looking to relax and experience something new #floatationtherapy #cambridge #sensorydeprivation #LifeAtArm #TeamArm #ArmTechnology #ArmCortex @armcommunity #cambridgeuniversity #cambridge #painrelief #stressrelief #study #studentlife #workhard #workhardresthard #epsomsalt #zerogravity #float

#donaldtrumpkin #donaldtrump #pumpkin #thedonald #pumpkincarving #halloween #october #orange #autumn #fall @realdonaldtrump #america #theamericandream #presidenttrump #nicehair #hairpiece #wig #wigs #donaldjtrump

Try to maintain a healthy dose of daydreaming to remain sane. Super daydream when you're floating @art_of_float #daydreamer #bornadreamer #dream #lucid #luciddreaming #graffiti #graffitiart #cambridge #cambridgegraffiti #train #trainride #staringoutthewindow #cambridgegraffiti #floatcambridge #floatationtherapy #floating #sensorydeprivation

@joerogan @art_of_float #cambridge #floatcambridge #floatationtherapy #evolve #improvement #meditate #explore #enhance #sensorydeprivation #lifehacks #cambridgeunited #sports #fitness #focus


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