Sahasta - Jacqui Sinclair - Yoga And Sports Massage
Vinyasa Flow Yoga and massage in Bury St Edmunds and Sudbury, Suffolk. Open classes & private tuition available - please see for details
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facebook.comFor those of you who have been asking when, WHEN, WHHHHHEEENNN! At last - it's here - enjoy ;-)
**BOXING DAY SALE** EVERYTHING! MUST! GO! ....stress, anxiety, tension, negative self talk and attitudes, postural poor habits, self doubt, judgement of self and others, anything from 2016 (and well before) that no longer serves you well – move and breathe and let go of all that stuff on your yoga mat. Classes start on Thursday 29th December – Deep Slow flow at 5.45pm and Hatha Into Slow Flow at 7.30pm… There IS an early morning Deep Slow Flow class on Friday 30th December (6.30am - due to popular request, it's back on the schedule) and a workshop deconstructing the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) suitable for all levels of practice, from 6pm-8pm. On Saturday 31st December there is Deep Slow Flow at 9.30am. AND…..on New Years Day, there is an intention setting Y12SR class at 5pm. Please book via Detox your 2016 and may your 2017 be a happy and healthy one of balance; strength and serenity.
New Spring Yoga class timetable is up and running - please book via The last Thursday 5.45 Deep Slow Flow class will be on April 14th - this time slot will then switch to Pregnancy yoga with the wonderful Stephanie Satriawan - please see for further details. NAMASTE! x