Uzma Farooq - Hijab Stylist
Hijab Styling for Weddings, Parties, and Bridal, Also offer training one to one on wearing hijab - from Burnley Lancs...
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facebook.comNeat#pleats#hijabifashion#hijabichick#muslimweddings#dress#your#face#pink#gold#my#beautiful#girl!! 😍❤️💃🏼
Woohooo!! I am happy to say I am now taking on Hijab Styling classes again!! These can be booked as a 1 to 1 or group classes, I will be teaching day to day hijab Styling!! These are intense classes and will be booked first come first serve bases! Please inbox for more info or bookings!! 💃🏼😍
When you wake up to messages like these from clients!!! 😍❤️🙃 Alhamdullilah!! 🙏🏽
Wake up, Dress up and Show up, Never give up, NEVER give up on ASKING Allah what You WANT, Allah NEVER GIVES up GIVING you What YOU ASK for!! Alhamdullilah!! ❤️😍🙏🏽
Say Ma Sha Allah!! How gorgeous do the ruffles on the turban look through my beautiful brides dupatta!! Can not show the front due to client privacy!! 👸🏼💃🏼 💙💙
Turban#blue#neat#pleates#up#do#bling#up#or#down#another#beauty#face#blocked#due#to#client#privacy#dress#your#face!! 💃🏼💙 Inbox for bookings!
Uzmafarooqhijabstylist#burnley#based#hijab#stylist#neat#pleastes#on#this#beauty#pakistani#weddings#pakistani#parties#dress-#your#face#look#a#million#dollers! 💃🏼👸🏼 Taught by the best Uzma Chaudhri ❤️ For bookings and enquiries please inbox me!
UzmaFarooqhijabstylist#hijabi#weddings#hijabi#parties#pink#baige#love#it#burnley#hijabstylist#hijabista#neat#pleats##bling#it#up#or#down! - for enquiries or bookings please inbox
UzmaFarooqhijabStylist#Another#beautiful#soul#hijabi#partys#hijabi#weddings#dress#your#face#look#a#million#dollers!! ❤️❤️💃🏼 For enquiries Inbox me 👸🏼
Can put my feeet up untill tmz, after a long, hard stressful day another International Bridal Bouquet sorted and ready for delivery!! 💚💚 sneaky peek for you all!!! 👀