Top Local Places

Bridge of Earn

, Bridge of Earn, United Kingdom



Bridge of Earn is a small town in Perthshire, Scotland. Often referred to simply as 'The Brig' by its inhabitants. The village grew up on the south bank of an important crossing of the River Earn, whose sandstone bridge existed from at least the early 14th century, when it is known to have been repaired by order of King Robert I of Scotland . Substantial remains of the medieval bridge survived into the 1970s, when almost all the stonework was demolished, for being in a dangerously ruinous condition. This ancient bridge was a major landmark on the road between Edinburgh and Perth for several centuries. The village's oldest houses are to be found lining the road leading south from the site of the demolished bridge. Among them are some with 18th-century datestones.The ruined Old Bridge of Earn are featured in the 1857 painting Sir Isumbras at the Ford by John Everett Millais, who often stayed at nearby Perth. There is also an early 19th-century lithograph showing the structure as complete in Sketches of Scenery in Perthshire by David Octavius Hill .
