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Hound Land

Delph Farm, Holts Lane,Clayton, Bradford, United Kingdom
Sports & Recreation



Secure dog exercise yard for hire.


Hound Land v Bradford Council,Okay, so we have been talking about this all day at Hound Land with differing points of view These amount to. It may appear, from the offer letter that I posted, that I am trying to use the original Hound Land v Bradford Council post as some sort of bargaining chip in order to get the councilors cooperation in carrying out improvements to the access lane. I am not. With this in mind I have now deleted the original Hound Land v Bradford Council post as she requested and as a sign of good faith. That I only suggested that the works be completed before the inspectors visit so as to make Hound Land 'look good'. True.I did, well it wouldn't hurt would it. But I also know the wheels of power move slow, so I have removed this suggested time constraint from the proposal forthwith.and I will carry out the works 'as a joint project' after the council has scraped away the mud etc from the first stretch - whenever this may be. Thank you for everybody's comments so far both positive and negative they have been invaluable as always. .

Hi Carol Thirkill, thank you for your time when we met earlier today, it was very much appreciated. I am writing this post just to summarize for our stakeholders the things we discussed. I understand and accept that you did not post the check in on our page with malice in mind and infact did so in error and you had absolutely no knowledge that Enforcement Action had even been taken against Hound Land before my post Hound Land v Bradford Council and that the council has very limited funds for providing the maintenence work that you would like to see made to the this access. With this in mind I would like to propose a compromise to address all of your concerns and those of Clayton residents. If you could request a JCB (or similar) from the councils Highways Dept for half a day or so to scrape away the mud and soil deposits that you photographed along the first stretch (up to and including to the rear of the bungalow at 15a Delph Grove). This could then be deposited in a small pile along the open stretch to create an effective gypsie barrier. This would save money on any landfill costs and should be acceptable to the landowners. I would then be willing to, under the supervision of a council officer, fund and carry out the infilling of every single pot hole along the open length of the lane up to the entrance gate at Hound Land. I have proposed it in this way because I do not have the lawful authority to enter my neighbours land to make these improvements, without their express consent, something which is highly unlikely to be given, whereas the council does not need this consent and is free to make these improvements at will. I awaite your response - Bob Hill

Hi all, just shot this video of Conner's hound Kasa having a kick about up here with mum Kathy. I think the footie transfer window's still open Kath ...

Dogs just having some fun. Thanks Sian Louise x

Here's a nice pic Sian Louise (Buddies Off Lead) took of her gang up here earlier today. A case of anything you can do eh Sian !!!

Here's a couple of pics Dog Obedience Trainer Sarah took up here this morning. Say cheese guys....

**** Happy New Year Doggers ****

Hi all, here's some lovely video Puiling Ma took whilst on a check in up here on Saturday. It shows Murphy, Paddy, Poppy & Andy Murphy Smith enjoying some quality off-lead time. Great stuff !!!

Here's some video Hound Land regular Linda Gordon took of her and Bob Gordon's three enjoying the snow up here the other day. Freedom ....

Hi all, here's some video Richard Wolf Eastwood took of his and Nathan Brown's two packs up here on Saturday. I really love this, great job Richard.


NEAR Hound Land