St. Malachy's College
Founded in 1833, St Malachy’s College is a Catholic Grammar School. This Facebook Page is the official page for keeping up to date with the College. Founded in 1833, St Malachy’s College is a Catholic Grammar School for boys. We take great pride in the history of the College which was opened on St Malachy’s Day 3rd November 1833. The College began with eight boarders and ten day pupils. Today the population has grown to over 1000 pupils. The pupils, with the coat of arms of the Diocese of Down and Connor on their school badge,remain loyal to the rich tradition of the College.
The aims and ethos of the College are based on partnerships. These come in many forms and their success enables the school to be all that it is. We work very closely with our link primary schools to ensure that the transition from primary to St Malachy’s College is a natural and positive experience. We make sure we keep you informed of your son’s progress on a regular basis through our strong pastoral care system. A parent can always speak to someone who knows their child.
St Malachy’s has a very strong Careers Education Department which works in close partnership with a wide range of local companies to provide careers advice and guidance to pupils throughout each stage of the pupil’s education.
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facebook.comThe praise just keeps on coming 🙌🏻 #3J
Amazing result! Well done lads - Gloria ab Intus!! 🏀⛹🏻♂️🏆
Global Stock Market Challenge On Monday 22 January the Year 11 Business Studies students took part in the Global Stock Market Challenge. This involved the group ‘buying and selling’ stocks in businesses based on news stories and media given to them in a simulation. Pupils gained an insight into the skills and attributes required to work in the financial services sector. This is part of a competition across all schools in Northern Ireland. The top schools from each region will compete at a final event in PwC’s offices in March. The pupils were also fortunate to have past pupil, Matthew Ward, in attendance to help them out. Matthew is a trainee associate at PwC and he gave a presentation to the pupils on his experiences at St Malachy’s College and the world of work. The pupils now await the results to see if they made the upcoming finals. #globalstockmarketchallenge
Past pupil Eoin O’Hare, visited the College this week to talk to A Level students about his French studies at university. Eoin is studying Law with French at Trinity College, Dublin, and as part of his course, is doing his year out in Paris, studying Politics at one of France’s top universities ‘Sciences Po’. Science Po is the training ground for a lot of France’s élite politicians, among its alumni are Président Macron and Jacques Chirac to name but a few. The students found this an invaluable experience as they heard about adapting to life in Paris, studying at a French university and what is involved in studying Law at Trinity.
Drama Wednesday! (again!) 🎭 Year 11 Drama students spent the day with local physical theatre company, Bruiser at The Mac today. After an energetic warm up, they tried their hand at making their own sound effects, choral work, choreography and a good dose of improvisation! The day culminated with an extract from "Bouncers” by John Godber in Bruiser's inimitable, energetic style!
“Progress is impossible without change...” Work is underway to construct our temporary car park and pedestrian entrance at Lincoln Avenue! #TheAvenue #TheQuad #romewasntbuiltinaday #SMCB @ St. Malachy's College
A number of Year 11 students attended the Linen Hall Library on Wednesday 17th January 2018. They participated in a Divided Society workshop organised by Rachel Brady, Education and Outreach Officer. The boys were given an opportunity to view and discuss a range of political cartoons and posters on display which related to The Troubles in Northern Ireland. This was a perfect introduction to the next course that they are about to commence for GCSE on Northern Ireland 1965-1998.
Drama Wednesday! Yet another talented past pupil, Conor Hinds, is starring in this innovative take on ‘The Scottish Play’, touring to a theatre near you very soon! We strongly recommend you check it out!