Eat Fit Therapy - Nutrition & Training
EatFitBelfast - aiming to improve people's health, wellbeing and performance through nutrition advice & exercise promotion.
Contact Chris Farag BSc
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? What are you doing outside the gym to maintain what you do inside it? LENS IN THE LIFE OF A LONG LIFE ADVOCATE Vlog series continues. Episode 004 Up Tonight 8pm. FACEBOOK - Eat Fit Therapy Create the #Dream. Create the #Vision.
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Do A little bit of #Exercise that you #enjoy every day, #Eat Like an Adult every day. A #consistent approach over time can lead to the #abundance of health you desire. Small Habits, Massive Rewards 💚💰💪
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Bring on #Meditation #Mornings. Starting tomorrow morning, 30 minutes Meditation before I leave the house. New Habit through the whole month of March. 🎯Aim -->> To bring Self Talk to a level of higher #positivity where self negative influences and stresses are easily brushed away... Leading to Goals being achieved more easily and time managed more efficiently #Zen #Zenout #Zentaefuck
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😎💪THE LIVE LEAN & LONG PROGRAMME Tailored To YOU - 1 x Monthly Nutrition Plan Based on food YOU Like 1 x Monthly Sports Massage 2 x Weekly Personal Training Sessions Prepare, Train, Recover All in 1 Personal Package Every good health / fitness coach will tell you that preparation and recovery is as vital a part of a Fitness Programme as the training is. Without Recovery protocols in place muscles can suffer and goals can be harder to achieve. On Point Nutrition and Muscle Massage Therapy are 2 of the best known Preparation and Recovery systems to complement resistance training. So, Why Not get your training and maintenance in 1 package?? Plus 24 Hour Interactive Support and continual guidance and advice with identifying your goals and achieving them. ▶All Goals, All Abilities, All Ages Welcome ▶Weight Loss / Weight Gain, Athletic Performance, Strength, Mobility ▶8/10/12 Week packages ❔ Where would you get it ❔ PRIMAL Strength & Movement, Lisburn Consultations and Taster Sessions with Chris Set a Date & Time that Suits YOU to come in for your free consultation and taster session ☑ **Discount Offers Available when joining with a friend / friends ** ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ BOOK NOW ☞☞☞ Direct Message ➡➡➡ TEL 07709891750 ☞☞☞ Facebook - Eat Fit Therapy ➡➡➡ E-mail - 🦁 Primal Strength & Movement 🦁 5-7 Chapel Hill, Lisburn
Fantastic things in the world
Fruit & Veg 👊
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☘ Irish Grass Fed Beef Joint... Going IN Us Irish have some of the best quality meat in the world 👌 Let's Enjoy it! Butchering is becoming a dying art. HOW? For optimal health we should be going to our nearest butcher and asking him for his newest most recent cuts of local meat from happy healthy animals that lived round the corner, rather than the cuts the Supermarkets provide that nobody you will see in there knows or cares about... 100% Grass Fed Animal Meat "VS" Commercially Available Meat ☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘ 🔴NUTRITIONAL ADVANTAGE -> Cows have evolved to digest plant material and break it down to usable nutrition, providing nutritional advantage to firstly the animal and in turn to us consumers 🔴HEALTH BENEFITS -> Quality Protein, B Vitamins, Omega -3 Fatty Acids, Vitamins A & E, Iron, Zinc and Other Minerals 🔴 LESS INFECTION -> No crowded slaughterhouses, risk of bacteria from manure and heavy antibiotic use 🔴 LESS DISEASE -> Cancer fighting abilities and lower heart disease risk with grass fed nutrient rich beef If we are going to eat meat we want to know it is good quality, right? We don't want to eat meat from an animal that was sick and become sick ourselves... We Literally ARE what we EAT EAT #FIT. EAT #PRIMAL
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Butchers, Greengrocers, , Farms and Farmshops, Fresh Food Markets, Rivers, Fields Get your Food as close to the source as you can. Look for locally produced Food Items in the bigger stores Minimum Food Miles = Maximum Nutrition As well as giving back to your own community #Primal #Fresh #Food #EatFit
A LENS IN THE LIFE OF A LONG LIFE ADVOCATE - VLOG SERIES EP 003 So, I didn't think Vlogging would have as much of an impact as it has on me. Changed alot of things, for the better. And it has made what was standard daily routine that bit more fun. Latest Episode up on my FB PAGE Now ⏺The Driving force ⏺The Accountability Factor ⏺Benefits of Spinach ⏺Winner Winner Chicken Dinner ⏺A Run & A Walk ⏺Return of the Mack
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🌊🌊🌊🌊💦💦💦💦💧💧💧🌊🌊🌊🌊 Visual Cues and Facts about Water, As a follow up to yesterday's Vlog... Don't Underestimate its Importance and Value to the Human Body 2 Litres Absolute Minimum An easy way to remember to keep drinking is to Keep a Bottle filled up on you at all times
🎥A Lens in the Life of a Long Life Advocate - Vlog Series Ep. #02 Focus for the vlog this week was to highlight the importance of Water day-to-day, for everyone, Trained or Untrained 💪Our bodies are made up of 80% Water 🌍80% of the Planet we live on is made up of Water 💧💧2 Litres per day should be an aimed minimum ''Water can adapt to any situation.... if we are made up of mostly water then so can we ...'' I don't go anywhere without a bottle...I drink a pint of water first thing in morning and last thing at night. Dehydration can lead to all sorts of health implications from a drop in performance to brain injury. I emphasise this importance to all those I train... Are you drinking enough??
A Lens in the Life of a Long Life Advocate - Vlog Series #01