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Ascending Wisdom - Nicola Farmer

Steeple View, Basildon, United Kingdom
Astrologist & Psychic



Nicola has many life experiences and gifts to assist your journey through this life. Guidance, teaching and/or healing, she can change your life.
Nicola Farmer is the founder of Ascending Wisdom, she’s a Psychic Medium, Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Channel for Spirit. Her philosophy for her work is;

Healing your mind body and soul will assist you in living the life you were destined to live, not just existing in this world.

As you gain enlightenment your ascension becomes your act of being, of drawing in the light, raising your consciousness, expanding your awareness and remembering what LOVE is.

Lightworking is a way of life. We are all Lightworkers as we all, in one way or another, assist and guide other people.

You are an AMAZING being of light and your are LOVED.



All sessions can be done in person, on Skype or FaceTime etc. Call or message for further details xXx💙❤️xXx

Very excited to share this event xXx❤️xXx

Presenting our next healing event on 22 July 2017, the feast day of Mary Magdalene. The last two sessions have been truly special and very different. During these sessions there has been individual healing, healing for humanity, for all creatures, everything that grows on planet Earth and all children everywhere. Please share with your family and friends so we can all bathe in Divine Feminine Energy and receive loving healing for the highest good of all xXx💙xXx

10 Days To Go..... Please Feel Free To Share xXx

Magdalene Energy Healing Group For the past 3 years a group of us have sat together, every month, developing and building healing energy with the assistance of the Ascended Masters, especially Mary Magdalene. We have now been guided to share this beautiful and powerful healing energy with anyone who feels guided to receive it. We will create a space based on Divine Feminine Love where you can join us and set your intention to receive healing physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually. You can also request blessings for your dreams to be realised, you can ask the energy for almost anything. Whatever your intentions and requests are, your experience will be personal and unique and will always be for your highest good. You are invited and are very welcome to come and receive energy with the group. Each session will be for approximately 10 minutes and four people can receive at the same time. The cost is based on a free will offering, all proceeds will be shared with the centre and a charity. We look forward to sharing the Divine Feminine Energy with you, from our heart with love xXx Please be free to share this with anyone who you feel may benefit from this wonderful opportunity.
