Our design creates values via bridging available local building materials and emergent technology to express individual identity of each projects. Co-founded by Phoebe Wen and Shihhwa Hung in 2014, PhoebeSayswow Architects Ltd. is a professional service providing architectural design consultancy. The practice is formed by professions with multidisciplinary background and experiences. We focus on design researches and practices targeting construction methods, materiality, humanity and environment.In order to deliver each unique project, we constantly collaborate with academic resources, artists, and construction specialists.
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有趣的市民活動: 大家來數樹,寓教於樂, 並透過得到的數據呈現在地圖上, 讓民眾省思市區綠化的價值並激發城市休憩空間的想像
走路:內在台北: 047 環型社區,天橋生活:萬華華江整宅
(to share) 獨特的社區規劃設計,低樓高,高住戶密度加上靈活的動線連外,在當今都市建案中缺乏很多這裡有的優點 Low-rise and high density featuring in this residential block, enhanced by elevated pathways and gardens. Aged but still inspiring.
Phoebesayswow Architects Ltd 建築研究院
PhoebeSayswow Architects Ltd. on Instagram
小空間也要用心堆砌, 從窗簾家飾到裝飾就是要讓您不停咀嚼享受
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Interior design tip: If you can't get a dog in your flat, get a dog painting!! #dogportrait #oilpainting #art #daschund
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Remember to look up, we are on the second! 歡迎來坐坐,我們在二樓唷!
Phoebesayswow Architects Ltd 建築研究院's cover photo
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#digitalfabrication #architecture #interiordesign #taiwandesigner #taipei #windowblinds #windowshutters #phoebesayswow
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純白無瑕的工作室.這個設計案讓白色不只是顏色的選擇,而是設計理念與工作環境的宣言,複雜的施工程序與物件挑選在全白的主題下只剩純淨供使用者玩味.White is a statement. Newly finished office project! We paid special attention to materiality and colour theme. The project can not be done without collectives of craftsman and digital fabrication technicians. #interiordesign #officedesign #architecture #taiwandesigner #taipei
「高雄厝」解放屋頂:鐵皮違建加裝太陽能就地合法,美化城市又環保 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網
希望國人共襄盛舉,拆掉其貌不揚的鐵皮,讓有設計感的節能輕建築為台灣都市空拍景象增添美景!! 我們可提供設計相關諮詢喔:)
Photos from Phoebesayswow Architects Ltd 建築研究院's post
Office renovation is almost done. 我們將在安和路一段這為您服務,謝謝。
Phoebesayswow Architects Ltd 建築研究院's cover photo