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facebook.comSlacktivity-Athlete Louise Lenoble has been highlining just over a year and is already performing the craziest tricks. Recently we published a few pictures of hers highlining in a snowstorm and between cablecars. Check out why she loves that sport and why she is progressing so fast :-) Video-Edit by Aidan Williams.
Slacktivity-Athlete Louise Lenoble is one of the best trick-highliners in the world. She is not only training when the sun is out. Here you can see her on a 45m pinkTube at The Highline Extreme 2017 in a snow storm... This awesome Picture was taken by Aidan Williams - Thanks for that wonderful shot!!
Here is a great video of our team-athlete Lyell Grunberg with his impressions and crazy tricks of the RedBull Slackship 2017. Definitely worth watching if you wanna know how it looks to be jumplining 25m above solid ground and how it feels for the athletes!
What an event! The best Trickliners in the World have been competing at the Red Bull Slackship in Gdynia, Poland. They had to perform their best tricks on 2 parallel Slacktivity - superJumplines (25m long, 20m high, 1m from one another). Tauri Vahesaar - Slackliner won in front of Mickey Wilson. Slacktivity-Athlete Lyell Grunberg - Swiss Slackliner took the ungrateful 4th place.
The Devils Pool is another great adventure of the Slacktivity-Team in Lanzarote. Big waves in the Atlantic Ocean are making this pool an absolutely unique place and an unforgettable adventure for the slackliners. Filming and Editing was done by Maple Production - Photo & Film Services
4 different lines (all 37m long) on 3 anchor points being surfed at the same time. You can clearly see the different speeds of the different lines causing a nice chaos! Sebastian Gum Chung Segraves on a Slacktivity HalfMarathon; Lukas Irmler - Slackliner and Jules Papazian on a Slacktivity pinkTube and Samuel Volery - Slackliner on a Slacktivity redTube underneath. Thanks Marvin Ad Martianum for the video :-) This was just another teaser of a video of an amazing session that took place in Versam last weekend!
Hey everybody! We just had the bounciest weekend of our life! We rigged many parallel pinkTubes between 2 bridges and played for 3 days :-) Here is just a small teaser of the session. But more importantly: Slacktivity - pinkTube-webbing is finally available on!!! This might also make your life bouncier in the future ;-) Thanks for taking part in this video Louise Lenoble, Sebastian Gum Chung Segraves, Tijmen VD, Jules Papazian, Rory Stephenson and Samuel Volery - Slackliner Footage, music and edit by Tobias Rodenkirch
Do you sometimes dream of flying? Or of walking in midair? In this picture Samuel Volery - Slackliner is changing his dream into reality. By walking a highline between 2 cablecars 100m above solid ground on the Moléson CH. Keep following your dreams and maybe one day you will also have this opportunity ;-) Foto by
Check out an amazing combo sticked by Samuel Volery - Slackliner in Magic Wood this weekend. The line was rigged on Slacktivity - pinkTube with halfMarathon BackUp. Length: 60m Height: 20m Standing Tension: 1.5kN
Here comes a last short edit with some tricks that the Slacktivity-Team has sticked in China. Lukas Irmler - Slackliner was the first to stick the Flow-Flip Tijmen VD is juggling with perfect precision Guillaume Fontaine and Anthony Hotte are synchro-exposure-bouncing hard Samuel Volery - Slackliner sticks a handstand on a 52m pinkTube-webbing Not in the Slacktivity-Team but nontheless super spectacular: 施海林 (Hallam) with his bounce-handstand Thanks also Rex Luo for filming :-)
Yesterday we presented you Anthony Hotte. Today it's Guillaume Fontaine's turn. As those two "Les Farfadets" (French for leprechauns) train together they have a very similar, but nontheless extremely powerful and impressive style on the highline! Both have already invented new highline-tricks. We'd also like to welcome Guillaume to our Slacktivity Athletes. Those two young Canadians will bring trick-highlining to a new level and show, that highlining is becoming more and more a freestyle sport!
Let us present you our new Slacktivity Team-Athlete Anthony Hotte. This young Canadian is bringing highline-trickbouncing to a totally new level! All these tricks were performed in China on a 52m long Slacktivity - pinkTube with a Half-Marathon BackUp. Soon we will also present you his training partner and almost-twin Guillaume Fontaine. Follow those 2 amazing persons on Instagram @les.farfadets and get inspired with new highline-tricks and awesome unicycle-skills!