U'nique-Personal Grooming by Demee
Offers Asian MANICURE & PEDICURE, WAXING, MASSAGE, EYELASH EXTENSIONS & EVENTS HOSTING with a SMILE @ a good price in a super CHIC & FRIENDLY place. Networking possibilities, free WIFI! & refreshments. Accepts WALK-IN & free parking space. We speak ENGLISH, SCHWIIZIRDÜTSCH, GERMAN & FRENCH
Walk in and be greeted by a stylishly theatrical decor; from the plushly upholstered service chairs to the row of televisions showing the latest in the fashion world & the surround sound system playing cool music.
One stop shop for the modern men and women, offering the best of your beauty regimens into one posh place, bringing out the fantastic you, from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes.
"Fun, friendly and chic beauty place! Simple the best, I love U'nique!"- Julia Flückiger, former vize Miss Schweiz.
Services: hair, asian/ brazilian manicures & pedicures, foot, back and body massages, head to toe waxing, and our specialty- eyebrow shaping & eyelash extensions!
Season Highlight:
Indonesian Creambath (hair spa with intensive 30 minutes scalp, head, neck and shoulder massage) Sfr.69
UV Express Manicure / Pedicure (shellac)- Sfr. 50
Manicure Express- Sfr. 40.-
Nagellack Express- Sfr. 19.-
Eyelash Extensions- Sfr. 189.-
"The best Eyelash Extensions in town!- Kristina Joksimovic, Miss Schweiz Managerin/ Model/ Catwalk Coach"
With us you always get more than what you paid for; we provide professional networking possibilities and we award our loyal customers with bonus treatments or discounts. The more you do and come to us, the less you pay.
We use products we believe in and is constantly looking for something better so we can serve you better and give more value to your money. We are also happy to hear your comments and critics.
Our years of experience made us wiser, faster and better but we do not believe in "wham bam, thank you Maam" service. With us, you can linger after the service and enjoy a chat with fellow interesting customers, watch fashion TV or simply watch the interesting neighbourhood.
And should you need tips about restaurants, hairdressers, boutiques, etc.., we are more than happy to share what we know.
Career women, beauty queens, celebrities and domestic Goddesses with discriminating tastes swears by the quality of our service, and loves the relaxing and fun atmosphere we have. So will you. Book now or simply walk in!
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why they say we are the best? because we absolutely love what we do, we custom design eyelash extensions to your style and taste, we use the best quality products and we constantly try to be better. #tryandbelieve #bookonline #www.u-nique.ch or call 0445588252. #thebesteyelashesextension #zurich #eyelashlifting #züri #onlythebest #minklashes #uniquebeauty #lookgoodfeelgood #yourfunandfriendlybeautyplace #pedicure #waxing #bestnails #nailart #microbladingeyebrows #manicure #internationalstandard
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@entre_dois and you my dear are awesome! we ♥️💋😍 you. #uniquebeauty #besteyelashextensionsinzurich #zurich #züri #bestnails #funbeautysalon #yourfunandfriendlybeautyplace #waxing #pedicure #eyelashlifting #microbladingeyebrows #cometry #hookup
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hello gorgeous! repost from the beautiful @andreamonicahug, one of our favorite #besteyelashextensions muse. let your lashes be long with us..call us at #0445588252 or www.u-nique.ch.... #onlythebest in #züri #zurich #baden #winthertur #schwyz #myswitzerland #bestintown #nailswag #nails #nailart #opi #essie #waxing #microbladingeyebrows #permanenakeup #yourfunandfriendlybeautyplace #whybeprettywhenyoucanbegorgeous
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hello gorgeous!!!! repost from the #goddess @_sylwina_ . thank you darling girl for the love. the secret to our #besteyelashextensionsinzurich is our genuine love and passion to it. with us, it is not just about business, it is about making you happy and having fun. life is too short afterall. to try is to believe. call us at #0445588252 or book online at #u-nique.ch. happy Sunday!!
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repost from #instagramstar @zoepastelle . this little lady is beautiful inside and outside, a true #uniquebeauty. it is rare to find such a combination nowadays in this very superficial world... get nails like Zoe. book yours today and get 20% discount! #shellac #gellack #opi #essie #nailswag #nailart #fabulousnails #züri #dasischzüri #zurich #microblading #microdermabrasion #gel #acrylic #waxing
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beautiful manicure goes places. how is yours? #fabulousnails #tiramisufortwo #opi #besteyelashextensionsinzurich #züri #zurich #gellack #shellac #acrylic #gel #microblading #microdermabrasion
hello gorgeous! got great news for you! #lipsenselipstick in U'nique. stays 4-18 hours, smudge and kiss proof!!! ahhhmazing. #lipsenseforlife #myswitzerland #uniquebeauty #dasischzüri #züri #zurich #myswitzerland #bestlipstick #kissablelips #perfectpout #besteyelashextensionsinzurich #fabulousnails
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come and enjoy @pedromartinrojo work. #uniquebeauty #artseries....#popart #zurich #züri
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@thatgirlnamedmaya you are a #uniquebeauty through and through. that warm smile & humility is just plain adorable. thank you for the trust and the love. we enjoyed pampering you. #lashlifting #gellack #shellac #besteyelashextensionsintown #züri #zurich #microblading #facetreatments #fabulousnails
All about Love
Photos from U'nique-Personal Grooming by Demee's post
Girls get some Gellack Nails 45.- with Azure and Civi Shellack and get a Nailpolish for free!!
Photos from U'nique-Personal Grooming by Demee's post
#Microblading#Unique #Beauty#Specialoffer 2 Sessions ab 450.- only !! 044/ 55 88 252 u-nique.ch Die japanische Methode der Augenbrauen Zeichnung (semi-permanent Make-up, Microblading) ist ein Verfahren mit dem mineralische Pigmente unter die oberste Hautschicht (nicht so tief wie ein Tatoo) eingebracht werden. Die mineralischen Pigmente passen sich dem natürlichen Hautunterton nach dem zu erwarteten Heilungsprozess (innerhalb 5-6 Tagen), an. Das Endergebnis hängt nicht nur von unserer Leistung, sondern auch von vielen anderen Faktoren ab (fettige Haut, die Häufigkeit der Exposition der Haut unter dem Sonnenlicht, der Hautpflege / bzw., eine ordnungsgemäße Pflege ist zu raten), und dem natürlichen Hautunterton -, der warm oder kalt sein kann). Aus diesen Gründen wird die Behandlung ausschließlich auf eigene Gefahr ausgeführt! Dabei ist es sehr wichtig zu betonen, dass die Augenbrauen als ein wichtiger Teil des Gesichtes Ihnen vollständig den Gesichtsausdruck ändern kann. Eine gute mentale Vorbereitung ist von enormer Wichtigkeit wie auch das Sie selber genau wissen was Sie damit eigentlich erreichen wollen. Deshalb sollten Sie sich dafür nur entscheiden wenn Sie zu 100% bereit sind. Diese japanische Methode wirkt sehr natürliches vom Aussehen und man kann den Look nicht wie mit dem Augenbrauen Schminkstift vergleichen. Die Behandlung ist nicht schmerzlos und die Schmerzintensität unterscheidet sich individuell. Außer dem etwas unangenehmen Teil der um die 10-15 Minuten dauert, nehmen wir Ihre Zeit in Anspruch um mit Ihnen alles besprechen zu können damit für Sie das passende und Beste ganz nach Ihren Wünschen gefunden wird. Wie sich die Haut mit der Zeit regeneiert so nimmt die Farbintensität ab. Bei Reife Haut wird eine Farberfrischung nach ungefähr alle 2 Jahren nötig, Bei Jüngeren Haut ist eine Farberfrischung 1mal oder sogar früher notwendig (besonders bei fettiger Haut und regelmäßigen Sonnenbad). The Japanese method of eyebrow drawing (semi-permanent make-up, microblading) is a procedure with which mineral pigments are placed under the uppermost skin layer (not as deep as a tatoo). The mineral pigments adapt to the natural skin tone after the expected healing process (within 5-6 days). The end result depends not only on our performance, but also on many other factors (greasy skin, the frequency of exposure of the skin under sunlight, skin care / /, proper care is advisable), and the natural skin undertone, Which may be hot or cold). For these reasons the treatment is carried out at your own risk! It is very important to emphasize that the eyebrows as an important part of the face can completely change the facial expression. A good mental preparation is of enormous importance as well as you know exactly what you want to achieve. That's why you should only decide if you are 100% ready. This Japanese method looks very natural from the look and you can not compare the look as with the eyebrow makeup. The treatment is not painless and the pain intensity is different. Apart from the somewhat unpleasant part of the 10-15 minutes, we take your time to discuss everything with you so that the right and best is found according to your wishes. As the skin regenerates over time, the color intensity decreases. In the case of younger skin, a fresh berry freshness is necessary once or even earlier (especially with greasy skin and regular sunbathing).