Fitness Addictions
This page is to help, motivate and share tips on how to Construct your body and stay fit...
" This World Is a Jungle You Either Fight or Run Forever"
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We started planning for Fitness Addiction and our site went live irecently. We worked countless long hours outside of our regular day jobs to painstakingly create one piece of content at a time. We left our jobs in the summer to work on Fitness Addiction full time, but to this day there is no fancy office or professional film studio; there is only a spare bedroom that became our “office” and a walled in garage that serves as our “film studio”.
Our personal trainer Danyl has worked in the fitness industry since 2002, and has a degree in Food and Nutrition. . He has been active and involved in sports since a young age.
We started Fitness Addiction because we believe that fitness should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their income. We also felt like there was a lack of reliable health and fitness information on the web, and too many people in the industry were more focused on appearance than they were on good health.
In our dedication to those who use our website, we focus on providing high quality information that we have gathered from over a decade in the health and fitness industry. We believe that if you make a clean, wholesome diet and regular exercise a priority, your overall health and quality of life will improve, and your physical appearance will naturally reflect that, as well.
That is why we set the goal of providing sound fitness information and full-length workout videos for every fitness level, completely free of charge. This way, everyone has access to what they need to keep their bodies strong and healthy.
We hope that Fitness Addiction will serve as a reliable resource in your journey towards true health.
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