iCsquared GmbH
iCsquared GmbH is a Swiss business development and management consulting company based in Schwyz, Switzerland. The iCsquared GmbH partners serve businesses, governments, international and regional organizations, and not-for-profits sectors around the world. The partners help our clients to develop new projects for making improvements to their performance and realize their most development goals.
The partners based in Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, the UAE are professionals in the fields of infrastructure projects development, international events management, investment advisory services as well as in import-export of cross-border trade operations.
The iCsquared GmbH partners are developing projects and serve management consultancy in the areas of INPD, EVMA, INAS, and IMEX:
- INPD - infrastructure projects development: waste and waste-water treatment plants, tourism and entertainment facilities, hotels and shopping malls development, roads and railroads project design, trams installation and railways catering services, city development projects, especially green city concept development, development of new industrial plants, transfer of know-how and advanced technologies and others.
- EVMA - events management: sport events (kitesurfing, marathon and road racing, mountain skiing), music and entertainment events, fashion shows, conferences, forums, symposiums, summits, exhibitions, festivals, bilateral and multilateral business meetings, debates, trade missions, summer and winter schools, camping and others.
- INAS - investment advisory services: customized investment solutions, proactive advisory, market timing, active monitoring and portfolio analysis, direct access to the investment approach.
- IMEX - import-export: foods and beverages, green technologies, show-rooms, distributions, logistics and delivery, foods processing machines and others.
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@icsquaredgmbh and #thepentagrgroup signed several contracts at 24th International Exhibition for #food, #beverages and Food Raw Materials in #moscow🇷🇺 ... #icsquaredgmbh #thepentagrgroup #nsntradingcompanyltd #sanattura #tanaygmbh #predoooo #pannontokaj #sugarpova #romeorossi #foodcitymoscow #trxtraining #perfectswisssquare #bravosupermarkets
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#People who meet in #airports are seventy-two percent more likely to fall for each other than people who meet anywhere else. Jennifer E. Smith, The #Statistical Probability of #Love at First Sight #moscow🇷🇺 #expocentermoscow #foods #maslow #changeyourlife #itwascold #fuckthepast #restartyourlife #sanattura #nsntradingcompanyltd #icsquaredgmbh #thepentagrgroup
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@icsquaredgmbh and @nsntradingcompanyltd import @chipsway_cacak products of #serbia🇷🇸 to #azerbaijan🇦🇿 and #russia🇷🇺 Tradition which lasts more than 40 years brings safety in the real and the best choice of a wide range of products. Factory started to work far back in 1971, in Cacak. From that moment on, Chips Way products have become synonymous for the unique entertainment, socializing and inevitable nibbling. Chips Way products are truly unique pleasure for every member of your family. @thepentagrgroup @sanattura #schwyz #čačak #baku #moscow Go far beyond!
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@icsquaredgmbh and @nsntradingcompanyltd import Szegedi Paprika Zrt. products, mainly #hungarianpaprika into #azerbaijan🇦🇿 and #ciscountries ... #foodcitymoscow #paprika #azerbaijan🇦🇿 #hungary🇭🇺 #trade #wehadtomeet #thepentagr.group #crossbordertrade #enjoylife #pureproducts #handmadeproducts #qualityoverquantity #sanattura #worldissmallerthanyouthink
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@icsquaredgmbh together with @nsntradingcompanyltd import The Rising Pili Nuts Company of #philippines🇵🇭 into #azerbaijan🇦🇿 market ... Soon you will enjoy exotic #philippinesnuts ... #thecrackingmonkey is a food brand based in the Philippines that cultivates, harvests and sells sprouted Pili nuts still in their shell. Packed in reusable cotton sacks, The Cracking Monkey is also the only Pili nut product in the market that features a unique and patented way of cracking the nut shell by use of a pre-cut notch and stainless lever that comes free in every bag.
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@icsquaredgmbh is a distributor of #germany🇩🇪 The Frame Company GmbH's I NEED YOU glasses in #azerbaijan🇦🇿 #russia🇷🇺 #georgia ... #Enjoy crystalline lens glasses! #iseeyou #icsquared #squared #blackandred #nsntradingcompanyltd #thepentagr.group #pentagr. #sanattura #ineedyou The #arms must get #longer ...
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"If you are not a #risk taker, you should get the #hell out of #business." - Ray Kroc, McDonald's founder ... #icsquaredgmbh #squared #sanuttura #future
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@icsquaredgmbh is a member of @thepentagrgroup: 5 companies are under one #flag: 1. @icsquaredgmbh 2. @nsntradingcompany 3. @sanaturaimportexporttradingcompany 4. @parsinternationaldevelopmentcompany 5. @caspianserviceconstructiondevelopmentinvestmentgropofcompanies #powerof5 #crossbordertrade #businessdevelopmentproject #blackandred #perfectswisssquare
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@icsquaredgmbh #international #team was able to develop many #projects for our #partners and #clients in #azerbaijan #switzerland #italy #germany #serbia #hungary #russia #iran #turkey #georgia #portugal #philippines #uae #belarus #ukraine #austria #china ... many #projects and #countries would come in #2017 ... The pentagr. Group of Companies: 1. Caspian Service International Construction, Development and Investment Group of Companies; 2. iCsquared GmbH; 3. NSN Trading Company; 4. New Silk Road Import-Export Trading Company; 5. PARS International Development Company ... Now it is time for a short vocation: #swisswinter ... Zola Bayberg: schwyz@icsquared.ch
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iCsquared GmbH will represent Beau Soleil Collège Alpin International in Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan and in other CIS countries... #princessclaireofluxembourg also attended #beausoleil ... Invest into your kids to guarantee their future!.. An #investment in #knowledge pays the best #interest - #benjaminfranklin ... Contact Zola Bayberg: schwyz@icsquared.ch for the details...
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Now, think of a #square, a living, beautiful square. And imagine that it must tell you about itself, about its #life. You understand, a square would scarcely ever think of telling you that all its #four #angles are #equal: this has become so natural, so ordinary to it that it's simply no longer consciously aware of it. And so with me: I find myself continually in this square's #position. Zamyatin Yevgeny #icsquaredgmbh #studyinswitzerland #geneva #zurich #lugano #swisseducationgroup #monterosa #leselfes #institutrosenberg #tasis #zolabayberg #schwyz #switzerland #wilenbeiwollerau #azerbaijan #turkey #iran #cis #dreambig #blackandred #minimalism #cubism #swissred
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Les Elfes International of Verbier, Switzerland appoints iCsquared GmbH in Wilen bei Wollerau, Switzerland as its official representative. Invest into your kids future! We cover Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran and the CIS countries ... for more details please contact Ms Zola Bayberg via schwyz@icsquared.ch or explore www.leselfes.com