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Oldtimer Galerie Frieden

Aargau-Luzern-Obwalden, Sachseln, Switzerland
Automotive Company



Oldtimerwerkstatt spezialisiert auf  Bentley & Rolls-Royce bis Jg 1985.  Für viele andere Oldtimer auch Know-How vorhanden.  Oldtimerwerkstatt spezialisiert auf Bentley & Rolls-Royce bis Jg 1985. Für viele andere Oldtimer auch Know-How vorhanden.


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«Überraschungsei» Oldtimer Bei Restaurationen findet man allerlei von vorangenganen Reparatur-Massnahmen, heute zum Beispiel : spachteln statt schweissen .

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UMZUG IN OBWALDEN STEHT AN Ab 1.Mai 2017 begrüssen wir Sie herzlich an unserem neuen Standort in Sarnen an der Industriestrasse 20. erreichbar in 3 Min ab Autobahnausfahrt Sarnen Nord. Wir freuen uns auf Sie

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Das Jahr ist schon wieder mal fast vorüber und es naht mit grossen Schritten das Weihnachtsfest. Aus diesem Grund wünscht Ihnen unser ganzes Team wunderschöne Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr. Wir bedanken uns für das entgegengebrachte Vertrauen und freuen uns auf weiterhin gute Zusammenarbeit im neuen Jahr. mit Festlichen Grüssen Ihr Oldtimer Galerie Frieden Team

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Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

BETRIEBSFERIEN - 23.12.2016 BIS 02.01.2017 Unser Betrieb bleibt ab dem 23. Dezember 2016 bis am 02. Januar 2017 geschlossen. Es ist ein Pikettdienst eingerichtet unter 056 500 59 29. Wir wünschen Ihnen und Ihrer Familie schöne Festtage und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr. Ihr Oldtimer Galerie Frieden Team

Erlebniswelt Oldtimerwerkstatt Wir möchten euch einen kleinen Einblick hinter die Kulisse der Oldtimer Galerie Frieden AG geben und haben daher die Fotoserie Erlebniswelt Oldtimerwerkstatt erstellt. Die Fotos entstammen komplett aus unseren Reparatur-, Instandstellung-, Wartung- & Restaurationsdokumentationen. #Erlebnisweltoldtimerwerkstatt

OHO Oldtimer Höck Obwalden › Oldtimer in Obwalden

Wir werden auch dabei sein und würden uns freuen Sie auch begrüssen zu dürfen.

DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR EIGHTH GENERATION PHANTOM MAKES EXCELLENT PROGRESS AT HOME OF ROLLS-ROYCE AS STRONG DEMAND FOR OUTGOING PHANTOM CONTINUES The development programme for the eighth generation of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, considered to be the ‘Best Car in the World’, has taken another significant step forward. New images of the all-new aluminium architecture being engineered at the Home of Rolls-Royce in Goodwood show how well the project is advancing and how the new Phantom is taking shape. This all-new hi-tech aluminium architecture will underpin the new Phantom, which arrives in 2018, as well as all other future Rolls-Royces. In the meantime demand for all four models of the current Phantom VII has remained strong since the announcement in February of this year that it will be replaced. Patrons and connoisseurs of true luxury, unwilling to compromise their expectations of an authentic super-luxury motor car, have snapped up all 50 of the final Phantom Coupé and Drophead Coupé Zenith Collection cars. In addition they and their trusted Rolls-Royce dealers around the world are requesting further Bespoke Collections and one-off examples of the pinnacle Phantom limousine before the line closes on 31 December 2016. In recognition of this demand, Rolls-Royce is developing highly-individual cars which will be offered in order to satisfy demand well into 2017. “To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of Phantom’s death are greatly exaggerated,” said Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. “The huge level of demand for Phantom VII, which we will fulfil well into 2017, clearly demonstrates that the Rolls-Royce customer and patron of true luxury will accept no compromise when considering the purchase of a super-luxury motor car, and will not be seduced by mass-luxury brands. I am proud and excited to confirm that a new Phantom is on the way – and it will be a contemporary and beautiful Phantom befitting of its role as the flagship of global luxury."

ROLLS-ROYCE MOTOR CARS CELEBRATES LARGEST GATHERING OF ROLLS-ROYCES IN THE WORLD Rolls-Royce Motor Cars celebrates the largest gathering of Rolls-Royces in the world this weekend at the 57th Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club Annual Concours and Rally. The spectacular setting of Burghley House in Stamford, Lincolnshire provides the perfect backdrop for a record number of motor cars, with over 1000 heritage and contemporary Rolls-Royces attending the event. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars celebrates the largest gathering of Rolls-Royces in the world this weekend at the 57th Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club Annual Concours and Rally. The spectacular setting of Burghley House in Stamford, Lincolnshire provides the perfect backdrop for a record number of motor cars, with over 1000 heritage and contemporary Rolls-Royces attending the event. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is honouring the occasion with a display of six Bespoke models, hand-built by craftsmen and women at the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood. Examples of Phantom, Ghost, Wraith and Dawn will be on display. The motor cars, hosted by a team of experts from the manufacturing plant, are expected to draw large crowds throughout the three-day event (Friday to Sunday), with the passion for the brand, particularly for the contemporary models, evident amongst fans, enthusiasts and owners alike. An increasing number of enthusiasts are choosing to acquire a Goodwood-built Rolls-Royce to complement their heritage collections, either commissioning a new motor car or purchasing through the company’s Provenance Programme. This is reflected by the recently launched ‘Goodwood Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Register’, which is the fastest-growing section of the Club. The Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club caters for anyone with an interest in the motor car products of Rolls-Royce. From just 11 people at the inaugural meeting in 1957, membership is now approaching 10,000, making it the largest club of its kind in the world. Membership is open to owners and non-owners alike and members are drawn from all walks of life and from many countries around the world.

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