UN-Water coordinates the UN’s work on water and sanitation for a better world.
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Water you doing on March 22nd? Get a blog published with the International Water Association! #WorldWaterDay http://buff.ly/2kjCDVj Photo credit: Foter.com / CC0
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Planning to host a #WorldWaterDay event!?! Remember to add your event to the official World map! http://buff.ly/2kBKsl0
The untapped resource. - World Water Day Official
Did you know that over 80% our wastewater flows back to nature untreated? On #WorldWaterDay we launch #WWDR2017: 'Wastewater - The Untapped Resource'! http://buff.ly/2lykbZ7
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Why wastewater affects the environment. In households, farms or factories, the principle is the same: stop putting rubbish, oils and chemicals down the drain. With fewer pollutants entering the system, we help protect the environment and our water resources. #WorldWaterDay www.worldwaterday.org
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Why wastewater is a big city question. By 2030, global demand for water is expected to grow by 50%. At the same time, the quantity of wastewater is increasing, due to population growth, accelerated urbanisationand economic development. Let’s use treated wastewater for industry and agriculture, washing vehicles and irrigating parks! #WorldWaterDay www.worldwaterday.org UN-HABITAT
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The role of smallholders. In 2050, agriculture will continue to be the largest user of water globally, accounting for more than half of withdrawals from rivers, lakes and aquifers, and will need to become increasingly efficient. #WorldWaterweek http://buff.ly/2kcGAe8
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Recycling 600 liters per day. ‘My family of four was using 400 litres of water every day in our bathroom and for the washing machine. I realised the need to conserve water and decided to recycle it,’ says Sanjay in India. Every minute of cycling provides around 30-40 litres of water to the garden and his family recycles over 600 litres of water every day. http://buff.ly/2lssv8D #WorldWaterDay
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Safe use of wastewater in agriculture. Population growth, rapid urbanisation, more water intense consumption patterns and climate change are intensifying the pressure on freshwater resources. The increasing scarcity of water, combined with other factors such as energy and fertilizers, is driving millions of farmers and other entrepreneurs to make use of wastewater. http://buff.ly/2k1voMG United Nations University-FLORES #WorldWaterDay
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Interested in art, facts and current water trends? Join us on instagram! http://buff.ly/2jLVyYE #WorldWaterDay
World Water Day 2017: Events
World Water Day preparations at the Escuela Anne Sullivan in Naucalpan México
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Connecting cities to basins Meeting the #water & sanitation #SDG targets at scale: a focus on Dar es Salaam http://buff.ly/2keZ35U International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
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Interesting reading: Solar-power system could provide safe drinking water in rural India for the first time: http://buff.ly/2kJSkUJ