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Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining - GICHD

Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2C, Geneva, Switzerland
Nonprofit Organization



The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) works to eliminate mines, explosive remnants of war and other explosive hazards.  At the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), we work to reduce the impact of mines, cluster munitions and other explosive remnants of war, in close partnership with mine action organisations and other human security actors.

We support  national authorities, international and regional organisations and NGOs in their efforts to improve the relevance, performance and sustainability of mine action. Our advisors visit approximately 50 countries each year and also offer remote support to help countries tackle the problems posed by explosive hazards efficiently and safely. The Centre also convenes experts and practitioners to gather and share knowledge and to promote dialogue between mine-affected countries in local languages, fostering regional cooperation. This work is not just an end in itself but also contributes to the broader objective of human security – freedom from fear and freedom from want.

The Centre's work is made possible by core contributions, project funding and in-kind support from more than 20 governments and organisations.  


We kicked off a pilot project into the ageing of improvised anti-personnel mines in Colombia yesterday, in partnership with DescontaMina Colombia and Fenix Insight Ltd. This workshop is supported by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, the Auswärtiges Amt.

As a member of the Maison de la Paix Gender and Diversity Hub, take a look at the short film, ‘Living Peace: The Story of Abby and Kyalu’, that was shared during #GVAPeaceWeek. The film tells the journey of recovery as part of an initiative called Living Peace, currently led by Living Peace Institute (LPI), a member of the Promundo Global Consortium.

Come join our team in the Information Management (IM) Division! The Division enables national authorities and other actors to use their information for evidence-based decision making and results-based management. Application deadline: 20 November.

Today in Kyiv, our Director, Ambassador Stefano Toscano, officially handed over the SOVA information management system to the OSCE – The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine. SOVA is an information management tool developed by the SMM and the GICHD to enhance the SSM’s capacity to collect and store information on the current conflict, improve data processing on existing risks and contribute to the safety and security of monitors.

Technical survey (TS) is the collection and analysis of data, using appropriate technical interventions to better define where mine/ERW contamination is present. In this video, learn how it is done and who is involved in this key step of returning land to productive use.

Former US Secretary of State John Kerry recently visited our campus - Maison de la paix. Here's a look back at an interview conducted with him by RADIO TELEVISION SUISSE (RTS) when he was here.

Happening now... our #GVAPeaceWeek event with United Nations Development Programme - UNDP. We are discussing how data and mapping technologies can support peace.

Happening now…discussion with Mr. Benoît Ruratotoye, Director of Research and Training at the Living Peace Institute (LPI) in the DRC. He is sharing his insights about the film “Living Peace: The Story of Abby and Kyalu” at the #GVAPeaceWeek event on #genderdiversity #conflict prevention. "As LPI we integrate the men who have violent tendencies within a community to provide an open forum to eliminate them getting a label as violent men" ~ Mr. Benoît Ruratotoye

Learn about how Laos is using the Land Release process to make significant progress on their clearance work. #GVAPeaceWeek

#GVAPeaceWeek is underway and this Thursday with the United Nations Development Programme - UNDP, we will discuss how data and mapping technologies can support peace.We will answer the question: How can these technologies be translated into effective tools for conflict prevention? Register now at

It is Geneva Peace Week! #GVAPeaceWeek brings together a large number of Geneva’s many organisations working on peace. Packed with a mix of public conferences, film screenings and expert workshops in the Palais de Nations and Maison de la paix, the Geneva Peace Week aims to break down professional “silos” in Geneva and foster collaborative and creative responses to peacebuilding around the world.

This year, Geneva Peace Week will take place from 6-10 November. Now its fourth edition, the theme for this Geneva Peace is "Prevention Across Sectors and Institutions: What Pathways for Effective Implementation?" #GVAPeaceWeek


NEAR Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining - GICHD