Pistorio Foundation
"On the Way to School, on the way to Life" - improving the living conditions of underprivileged children with a focus on education. The Pistorio Foundation, founded in 2005 by Pasquale Pistorio, is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the living conditions of underprivileged children in developing countries, starting with education and basic health care, by building school and primary health care infrastructure and by supporting children's education, health, and welfare.
We are a volunteer based organization, with 100% of donations devolved to projects on locations directly benefitting children in need. In Morocco, Burkina Faso, and Cambodia, we work with rigorously selected grassroots NGOs and in Thailand we operated through a small staff. All administration and fundraising activities are done on a probono basis in our volunteer chapters in Geneva, Milan, and Singapore.
Overall, we support the long-term education of over 1,500 underprivileged children. We provide for each child we support, access to quality education from primary to professional school and access to basic health care and basic nutrition. In Thailand we have developed a Village Model whereby in addition to increasing children's enrollment rate, we aim to empower families to reach self-sustainability within ten years through income generating and agricultural projects and by providing the village with access to improved health care, improved sanitation, and clean water.
Our aims are to achieve maximum transparency and efficiency in the non profit sector, to change the lives for the better of as many children and families as we can reach, and to raise awareness amongst our friends and international community on the current living conditions of children in the developing world, and on children's rights issues.
The Foundation has no political or religious affiliation.
Tell your friends
facebook.comFrancesca Ferrari, da Modena in Sri Lanka con la macchina fotografica al collo - MO.CU.
Congratulations to our Volunteer Photographer Francesca Ferrari for her successful completion of Masters in Photography and the residency at One Foundation in Sri Lanka for which she has been selected. http://www.mocu.it/arte/francesca-ferrari-modena-sri-lanka-la-macchina-fotografica-al-collo/
Gates e Bono a Repubblica: "Sogniamo un mondo 'in the name of love', nel nome dell'amore"
Timeline Photos
From our Beneficiaries - Jarudej's Story Chiang Rai Village Project, Thailand My name is Jarudej and I was born in the village of Ban Doi Chang in Chiang Rai province, in northern Thailand, known for their coffee production. My family settled in this village many years ago. I have Thai Citizenship but I am Akha and we speak both Akha and Thai languages. I graduated from Ban Doi Chang Secondary School and applied for higher vocational program in Chiang Rai city. I was interested in photography so I chose to study Technology of Arts. My father did not agree that I should continue studying because my eldest brother was in university and my father was afraid of the burden of paying for tuition for both of us. My mother encouraged me to apply and suggested I find a part-time job while studying and I also received support from Pistorio Foundation. That’s how I have been able to pursue my Higher Vocational School education. Our belated King inspired me to take photos, as he had a passion for photography - a camera was among his essential travel items especially when he toured projects in rural Thailand. It helped him to capture the country’s development. During my studies, I was often selected as representative for my Vocational School to participate in Academic Skills Competition. I have received scholarship support from the Pistorio Foundation since I was in Primary grade 2 until this year, which will be my last year of professional school. My goal is to find a job when I finish Vocational School. My father is also now in prison charged with drug possession, and this has created a bigger burden on my mother who is the sole provider for my family. Having a Higher Vocational diploma will allow me to be better equipped to find a job. If one day I will be able to continue to university, I will definitely do it. I’m very grateful for the support I have received throughout these years, which has changed my life for the better.
Pistorio Foundation's cover photo
Pistorio Foundation's cover photo
Pistorio Foundation's cover photo
Syria and Jordan | Terre des hommes
The Pistorio Foundation has devolved 10,000 USD in Emergency relief aid to the victims of the desperate Syrian Crisis. Terre des Hommes is active in providing food and sanitation supplies, and psychosocial support to children and families in Syria and in Jordan. https://www.tdh.ch/en/our-interventions/syria-and-jordan
Happy Holidays 2016
Best Wishes http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Happy-Holidays-2016.html?soid=1102678885067&aid=g6iNY0O89Ns
Referendum sulla Riforma Costituzionale del 4 Dicembre: IO VOTO SI
Pistorio Foundation Social http://pasqualepistorio.blogspot.it/2016/10/referendum-sulla-riforma-costituzionale.html?m=1 Referendum sulla Riforma Costituzionale del 4 Dicembre: IO VOTO SI
Pasquale Pistorio
Pistorio Foundation Social Terremoti Centro Italia - Earthquakes in Central Italy http://pasqualepistorio.blogspot.it/search?updated-max=2016-11-09T23:30:00-08:00&max-results=2
Donald Trump, President-elect of the United States of America
Pistorio Foundation Social http://pasqualepistorio.blogspot.it/2016/11/donald-trump-president-elect-of-united.html?m=1