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Royal Djurgården

Galärvarvsvägen 2, Stockholm, Sweden
Tourist Information Center



Turistinformation för Djurgården/ Tourist information for Royal Djurgården Royal Djurgården Visitor Center är Djurgårdens egen turistinformation. Här samlar och informerar vi om alla besöksmål på södra och norra Djurgården. Bakom Royal Djurgården Visitor Center står föreningen Kungl. Djurgårdens Intressenter och våra partners Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms län, Förbundet för Ekoparken, Världsnaturfonden WWF, Kungl. Djurgårdens Förvaltning och Djurgårdsbrons Sjöcafé.

Royal Djurgården Visitor Center a special tourist information service for Royal Djurgården. We collect here all information about tourist attractions in southern and northern Djurgården. Kungliga Djurgårdens Intressenter (The Royal Djurgården Society) lies behind Royal Djurgården Visitor Center, together with our partners the Stockholm County Administrative Board, Förbundet för Ekoparken/Världsnaturfonden, Kungliga Djurgårdens Förvaltning and Djurgårdsbrons Sjöcafé.



The view from Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde today. Make sure to go and see the exhibition about Swedish Cubists this weekend, the exhibition ends on sunday. ❄️

Have a Good Friday everyone❄️✨☀️

Welcome Iceland’s president Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson to Djurgården✨🇮🇸 Today Icelands President, Swedens King and Queen will be visiting 🇮🇸🇸🇪👸🏻🤴🏼@prinseugenswaldemarsudde

Beautiful winter day outside of the Visitor Center/Sjöcaféet today ❄️🔥 Welcome inside!

You know that it is MuseumSelfieDay2018 today, right? This is us by Gustav Vasa at Nordiska museet / Nordic Museum. What does yours look like? Don´t forget to tag your photo #MuseumSelfieDay2018 at #RoyalDjurgården and add in to pictures from all over the world.

Today is MuseumSelfieDay! Who knew...? Why not join in - share your best selfie with the rest of the world by tagging it #MuseumSelfieDay2018 & #royaldjurgarden.

Do not miss @nordiskamuseet Christmas Tree Plundering today🎄 here is Today’s program: ❄️ 14.00-16.00 FIKA - hot and cold drinks and cake are served ❄️ 14.00-17.00 SAGOSTUND - Story Time (in Swedish Only) ❄️ 15.00-16.30 - DANCING around the tree ❄️ SANTA COMES and gives out sweets to all the children @ Nordiska museet / Nordic Museum

What can be more Swedish than a cinnamon bun (kanelbulle)? Start your weekend with at fika at any of Djurgårdens cafes, these delicious buns you can get at @sjocafeet 🍩☕️ Do not miss that @skansen opens thier ice skating rink⛸today and @liljevalchs Spring Salon is now open 🎨

What can be more Swedish than a cinnamon bun (kanelbulle)? Start your weekend with at fika at any of Djurgårdens cafes, these delicious buns you can get at @sjocafeet 🍩☕️ Do not miss that @skansen opens thier ice skating rink⛸today and @liljevalchs Spring Salon is now open 🎨

Good evening from the Djurgården bridge ❄️

To all of our friend all over the world, we at Royal Djurgården join Visit Stockholm in welcoming you to us in Stockholm - the open city.


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Stockholm, Sweden
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