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Renstiernas gata 22, Stockholm, Sweden
Gift Shop


manos is a beautiful shop for one of a kind design and crafts products.


Vad glad jag blir när Elsa Billgren skriver så fint om manos! Hon var en av ett gäng influencers som var här på manos då Indiska presenterade sin vårkollektion:

Some of us are going skiing next week and the shop opening hours will therefore be a wee bit shorter... Come say hello to Yvonne and Elsa who will be here taking the best possible care of everything! #manos #sofostockholm #openinghours #sportlov #illustration #cards

Come in for a cup of tea today and a taste of home made marmelade from @marmeladeriet. Daring Dorothy is an award winning black tea from @dearteasociety - as amazing on the inside as out! #tea #cupoftea #dearteasociety #daringdorothy #homemademarmalade #sannafyringliedgren #packaging #manos #sofostockholm

The soy wax candles from @andrejurem, enjoying an outing in the back yard. They burn beautifully and is the perfect conversation piece. #manos #soywaxcandles #handmade #shape #thegreatoutdoors

MOM of Sweden visits manos with their range of silver jewelry in timeless, strong shapes and clean lines. Friday 11-7 pm, with bubbly AW between 5-7 pm. Saturday 11-4 pm, Sunday 12-4 pm Welcome!

This is a course inspired by the papers with nice patterns from Cambridge imprint. In this course, Mihiro would give you instructions to make 4 different kind of paper objects and you can use 4 different patterns from the paper collection. One of the objects will be an "Orihon", a book with Japanese traditional accordion construction. The second one is origami pop up book, the third one is a card case with a special folding construction created by the well known American bookbinder, Hedi Kyle. And the last one will be a box by origami technique. All the techniques are useful and functional. The course is suitable for both of beginners and advanced. his course will be given principally in Swedish.         Place : Manos         Date : 7/11         Time : 17.30-20.30         Fee : 600kr ( inkl. moms, material and fika) For application and more information please contact

Sommaröppettider t o m 4 augusti måndag-fredag 11-18, lördag-söndag STÄNGT Helt stängt vecka 29 (17-21 juli)! Alltid öppet på webben Summer opening hours until August 4th Monday-Friday 11-6 pm Saturday-Sunday CLOSED The shop is closed 17th-21st July! Always open online Have a lovely, relaxing, inspiring summer!

Kvällsöppet till kl 20, vi bjuder på något gott att dricka och fina erbjudanden i butiken! Flera andra unika butiker i vårt härliga område har öppet sent under SoFo night - se allihopa på Varmt välkomna!

The awesome team stylist Sanna Fyring Liedgren and photographer Anna Kern took some photos here last week. Here's a view from the other side of the street, makes you want to come over doesn't it?

Välkommen till manos på Sofo-night! Det är Fashion Revolution Week, ett initiativ som startade efter att 1138 textilarbetare miste livet när Rana Plaza-fabriken kollapsen 2013. Fashion Revolution handlar om att öka transparensen inom modeindustrins produktionsled samt att uppmana till en mer hållbar konsumtion. På torsdag kväll har vi fina erbjudanden på Knätofs tunna fina fair trade ponchos och Swedish stockings sköna hållbara strumpbyxor av återvunnet nylon. Vi bjuder på hemlagad rabarberpaj med hemlagad vaniljsås och lite bubbel. Hela veckan hoppas vi också att ni vill komma och sitta ner i vår fåtölj för att förkovra er i mer info om det lovvärda initiativet Fashion Revolution. Varmt välkomna!


Sett på stán. Snart vår.

Sett på stán. Snart vår.

I'm in Stockholm, visiting Karin @manosshop #manosshop #ceramic #sofo

I'm in Stockholm, visiting Karin @manosshop  #manosshop #ceramic #sofo

Ugly and cute, in a couple of days I know for sure. Skjuts in i ugnen. #clay #pottery #pot #kruka #ringlad #tummad #uglycute #keramik #manos #gupp

Ugly and cute, in a couple of days I know for sure. Skjuts in i ugnen. #clay #pottery #pot #kruka #ringlad #tummad #uglycute #keramik #manos #gupp

Such a perfect day, I'm glad I spent it with you @garnapa @claraingemarsdotter @annamo70 @manosshop #manos #clay #keramik #perfectday

Such a perfect day, I'm glad I spent it with you @garnapa @claraingemarsdotter @annamo70 @manosshop  #manos #clay #keramik #perfectday

Jag vill äta upp allt

Jag vill äta upp allt

We've had a refill of beautiful naturally dyed silk pillows by @ninamjalava. Cool or warm, they can be placed over the eyes or on a tense shoulder. A reminder to slow down 😊 #manos #eyepillow #naturallydyed #peacesilk #balance #slowdown

We've had a refill of beautiful naturally dyed silk pillows by @ninamjalava. Cool or warm, they can be placed over the eyes or on a tense shoulder. A reminder to slow down 😊 #manos #eyepillow #naturallydyed #peacesilk #balance #slowdown

Sale! 30 % off clothes! #bricabrac #nygardsanna #esencia #knatofs #swedishstockings

Sale! 30 % off clothes! #bricabrac #nygardsanna #esencia #knatofs #swedishstockings

Happy new year! Let's make it a kind and generous one 💛 #newyear #humankindness #fireworks #sofiakyrka

Happy new year! Let's make it a kind and generous one 💛 #newyear #humankindness #fireworks #sofiakyrka

Open today 11-4 pm! #manos #manosshop #sofostockholm #openingtimes #handwriting

Open today 11-4 pm! #manos #manosshop #sofostockholm #openingtimes #handwriting

23rd December Almost closing time and I'm happy and ready for a pause. But before I walk home I want to wish you all a peaceful and merry Christmas!

23rd December Almost closing time and I'm happy and ready for a pause. But before I walk home I want to wish you all a peaceful and merry Christmas!

19th December This morning before opening, we went to the flower market and now the shop is filled with light pink poinsettia, small citrus trees, white azalea and dark pink hyacinths. We also have grown green plants that we sell, like bonsai and cuttings from our beautiful graceful mallow and a big generous rose geranium that we often give away cuttings from. #manos #flowershop #flowers #plants #hyacinth #poinsettia #azalea

19th December This morning before opening, we went to the flower market and now the shop is filled with light pink poinsettia, small citrus trees,  white azalea and dark pink hyacinths. We also have grown green plants that we sell, like bonsai and cuttings from our beautiful graceful mallow and a big generous rose geranium that we often give away cuttings from. #manos #flowershop #flowers #plants #hyacinth #poinsettia #azalea

Så mycket fint på @manosshop #manos #moderncraft

Så mycket fint på @manosshop #manos #moderncraft

Tonight! Lottery, live music, 20% off everything in the shop, bubble and the most delicious snacks by Sanna Fyring Liedgren @marmeladeriet. Welcome! #manos #latenightopening #marmeladeriet #christmasmood

Tonight! Lottery, live music, 20% off everything in the shop, bubble and the most delicious snacks by Sanna Fyring Liedgren @marmeladeriet. Welcome! #manos #latenightopening #marmeladeriet #christmasmood

6th December Log bowls by the clever women behind @loyalloot in Canada. I was blown away by the log bowls when I first saw images of them online 9-10 years ago. Like all great design they age well and I'm happy to still stock them manos 💛 They're solid wood, turned on the lathe, painted and varnished. To be treated as antique furniture, with care and love. #manos #sofostockholm #wood #bowls #naturalmaterials #green #yellow

6th December Log bowls by the clever women behind @loyalloot in Canada. I was blown away by the log bowls when I first saw images of them online 9-10 years ago. Like all great design they age well and I'm happy to still stock them manos 💛 They're solid wood, turned on the lathe, painted and varnished. To be treated as antique furniture, with care and love. #manos #sofostockholm #wood #bowls #naturalmaterials #green #yellow

Nu tar jag min lattjolajbanlåda och går. 🐶🐺🐱🐭🐹🐰

Nu tar jag min lattjolajbanlåda och går. 🐶🐺🐱🐭🐹🐰


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