Stand VH 03:03, 2014 Stockholm Furniture Fair, students from HDK Steneby Wood Oriented Furniture Design will unveil 11 objects out of unwanted materials. UN- DESIRABLES Stand VH 03:03
At the 2014 Stockholm Furniture Fair the students from HDK Steneby Wood Oriented Furniture Design will unveil eleven unique objects.
The students have investigated unwanted, undesired materials: Weed, waste and left-overs. Out of the rejected and unwanted, they have developed new materials and expressions through investigative work processes and small scale production methods.
In the project, the PhD Student Helena Hansson (HDK/Mistra Urban Futures) has been an inspirational injection. She runs a research project in Kenya in collaboration with local craftsmen. One of the challenges in the region in the area of Lake Victoria is the Water hyacinth. The water hyacinth is considered as the world´s worst aquatic weed, and it causes major problems in the region. By making ropes out of the weed the problem is transformed into a material resource that can be used to develop the craftsmanship.
The transformation from the unwanted into a material resource has inspired the students. Common for all their work is the transformation from undesired, rejected, unwanted into something desirable.
Some of the students have chosen to collaborate with the craftsmen in Kenya to develop prototypes of the water hyacinth. Others have investigated local problem materials we have in our region in Sweden.
With help of a rope-making machine, made out of scrapped bike parts, the students have produced their own ropes made out of plastic bags, VHS bands, weeds, etc.
One of the objects that will be shown on the fair is the stool “Wasteland” designed by Sindre Bjerkli where he gives waste material from a local papermill in Dalsland a second life.
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