Elviria Medical Centre
Noticias y consejos médicos ofrecidos por su doctor News and medical advise offered by your doctor En la Clinica Elviria contamos con un amplio cuadro de profesionales que pueden atenderle de forma personal y ayudarle a sentirse mejor.
Nuestra cartera de servicios cuenta con:
- Medico de familia
- Seguimiento de Salud Infantil
- Analisis
- Test de alergias e intolerancias alimentarias
- Tratamientos de ozonoterapia
- Tratamiento multidisciplinar de la obesidad
- Crioterapia
- Salud integral de la mujer
- Sexologia
- Ginecologia y Obstetricia
- Dermatologia
- Cardiologia
- Radiologia (ecografias)
- Traumatologia
- Podologia
- Cirujano generalista
- Acupuntura
- Osteopatia
- Fisioterapia
- Presoterapia
- Drenaje linfatico
In Clinica Elviria we have a large number of visiting specialists who can assist you personally and help you feel better.Our service portfolio includes:
- General Practitioner
- Child Health Surveillance
- Analysis
- Food alergies and intolerance test
- Ozone treatments
- Multidisciplinary treatment of obesity
- Cryotherapy
- Well Woman Clinic
- Sexology
- Obstetric and Gynecologist
- Dermatologist
- Cardiologist
- Radiologist (ultrasound)
- Orthopedic surgeon
- Podologist
- General surgeon
- Acupuncturist
- Osteopath
- Phisiotherapist
- Pressotherapy
- Lynphatic drainage
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Can you tell the difference between a heat attack and a cardiac arrest? And remember: emergency number in Spain is 112.
What are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer?
October is #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth. Here you can read about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Please, check yourself and visit your doctor if you have any queries.
Physio at home Costa del Sol
Dear friends and patients, Tomorrow 12th October is a National Holiday. We will be open 9:30 to 12:30 only. Sorry for inconvenience. Estimados amigos y pacientes: Mañana, 12 de Octubre, es festivo nacional. Estaremos abiertos solamente de 9:30 a 12:30. Perdón por las molestias.
What If Physical Diseases Were Treated Like Mental Illnesses?
October 10th is #WorldMentalHealthDay
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The importance of a good diet...
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Dear friends and patients, We are happy to announce you that we will be moving soon to new premises in Elviria Business Centre, just by Farmacia Elviria. The humidity problems in the current premises cannot be satisfactory solved and this has forced us to move. We will enjoy bigger and brighter facilites, where Dr Galache, Maria and all the team will be at your service in the usual opening hours, Monday to Friday from 9:30h to 18:30h. Stay tuned for the date of the Grand Opening! Estimados amigos y pacientes: Nos alegra informarles que pronto nos mudaremos a un nuevo local en Elviria Business Centre, junto a la Farmacia Elviria. Los problemas de humedad en el local que ocupamos ahora no tienen solución satisfactoria, lo que nos ha forzado a mudarnos. Vamos a poner a su disposición unas instalaciones más grandes y luminosas, donde el Dr Galache, María y el resto del equipo estaremos a su disposición en nuestro horario habitual, Lunes a Viernes de 09:30h a 18:30h. ¡Esten atentos para conocer la fecha de inauguración!
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So it's World Sepsis Day. A day about this killer that claims more lives than any cancer. A day to act and be aware #WSD16
We are glad to recommend you BabyGym Marbella, run by our paediatrician, Dr Morales. A new and delightful experience for you and your baby.
FLU VACCINATION CAMPAIGN STARTS SEPTEMBER 12th It can be taken by anybody who wants to avoid the miserable symptoms of flu. It is advisable to those suffering from: • Asthma • Bronchitis • Emphysema • Diabetes • Heart disease • Those taking cortisone or steroids • Those who have an organ transplant • Immune system illnesses It is also recommended to frequent travellers (airplanes and airports are a good place to catch respiratory infections). Also to persons over 50 years old. Those patients of the above list should check if they have had on the last three years the pneumonia vaccination (the pneumonia vaccination is to protect us from the bacterial pneumococus pneumonie) as it is also advisable to have. The flu vaccine (for both seasonal and Swine flu together in one shot) and pneumonia vaccines are available at Elviria Medical Centre. Book your appointment now!
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Ever wonder what a CT scanner looks like without the cover?
You can be a donor too. Because Pablo and others like him deserve second chances. Pablo is again awaiting for a new bone marrow donation, as the first one failed. Information (in spanish) to be a bone marrow donor in Malaga here: http://www.donantesmalaga.org/donar/medula-osea