Agape School Tafelsig
Agape School is a special school situated in Tafelsig, Mitchell's Plain. Agape school, formally the Eros Satellite School, was started in January 1988. As the name suggests it formed part of the Eros School in Bridgetown, and was temporarily housed on the premises of Princessvlei Primary School in Retreat.
Two years later, in January 1990, the school became independent and its name changed to the Agape School for Cerebral Palsied Learners.
In 1990 Agape School moved into new premises in Tafelsig, Mitchell's Plain.
At present, the staff comprises of the acting principal, 1 psychologist, 16 teachers, 1 speech therapist, 1 physiotherapist, 2 occupational therapists, 7 class assistants, 2 general assistants, 2 senior administrative clerks, 2 administrative assistants, 4 drivers, 1 foreman and 1 part-time pediatrician.
There are medical and paramedical practitioners who assist in the provision of specialized clinics. These include: An optometrist, geneticist, neurologist, orthopedic surgeon, dental services, specialists for seating clinics, hand clinics (Agape OT department).
The school follows the same curriculum as mainstream schools. the school offers the following grades: Gr. R - Gr. 7 & Skills Development Programme (14 - 18 years).
Learners are admitted to the school based on their needs for specialized therapeutic, medical and learning support. A screening assessment is completed and where necessary an initial admission of learners is used to ensure that placement is beneficial to the learner. The learner may only be admitted for a short stay before being placed back into the mainstream.
Learners must be able to progress towards the outcomes in the curriculum. Learners with a Learning Disability may only be eligible for admission for a short period (1 - 3 years). Depending on the progress made by the learner. All admissions depend on the intensity of support to make progress.
The learners must also live in an area serviced by the school (learners outside these areas are refereed to an appropriate institution). Learners who have the following diagnosis and fall into the above mentioned categories, may be admitted: Cerebral Palsy, Physical Disability, Specific Learning Disability, ADD & ADHD, Epilepsy, Autism and other Medical Diagnoses (like Spina Bifida, Hydrocephalus, /Ataxia, Cerebral Gigantism, Tracheostomy, Syndromes).
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Agapé School for Cerebral Palsied Children Substitute post available: Gr 5 (CAPS) Period required: 1 March 2017 – 1 July 2017 Requirements: The school requires an educator conversant in the CAPS curriculum; Willingness to work with learners experiencing barriers to learning. Knowledgeable regarding intervention strategies in language viz. English (HL) & Afrikaans (FAL) Recommendation: Knowledge of individual support plans & SIAS Please forward your CV For Attention: Mrs B Lambert via school reception; OR via email to Closing date: ASAP 20 February 2017
To all our special teachers
Special Peeps
Special Peeps
Photos from Agape School Tafelsig's post
23 September was a Cultural day atschool for Heritage day this past weekend. We had proud learners dressed in their cultural clothes.
Photos from Agape School Tafelsig's post
Casual day 2016 theme - UP YOUR GAME! Some of our learners in their sport clothes on 2 September 2016.
Photos from Agape School Tafelsig's post
Congratulations to the junior vocational class for selling the most Casual day stickers this year. A great thanks to McDonalds for sponsoring a meal to each learner in the class, you are great! #casualday2016 #mcdonalds
With only 11 days until CASUAL DAY....please help us to sell more stickers.
Agape School Tafelsig
Timeline Photos
Up your game by buying a casual day sticker from us for only R 10. We sell the stickers to raise funds for our school...