Smurfland provides education and care in a fun and loving enviroment to babies, potties, preschool, GR R and aftercare. Qualified Teachers. Transport
PRINCIPAL: Ailsa Nel - 083 700 8999 TELEPHONE: (011) 818 1315 FACSIMILE: 086 503 7668 Email :
The Best home away from home.
Maksimum van 38 1-5jariges wie elke dag liefde, onderrig, toewyding en 'n gebalanseerde dieet ontvang. Rapporte word kwartaalliks uitgegee.
Rhoda Tul Atfaal Daycare centre is an educare facility for children aged 2-5 years and operates on the Montessori syllabus ...
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We are a family run, home-styled Bakery creating delicious cakes (or as we like to call it "edible art") for every occasion.
We take a plan on paper and convert it into the property of your dreams
This page represent the work standards of Stassen Home Improvements. 28 Years in Construction and Civils.
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Bollywood fitness is an Indian dance-based workout. It’s a fun, invigorating class set to high energy, upbeat Bollywood music. GET FIT… FILMI STYLE.
Meet the Team: Kea: Nail Technician Dorah: Nail Technician (Acrylic) Winnie: Hair Stylist Kesandrah: Hair Stylist Joseph: Hair Stylist (Dreadlocks)
Repair and installation of security systems.