Postojna Cave is the best known Cave in the world and the largest show Cave of the Classic Karst in Europe with 38 000 000 visitors in over 200 years. Postojna Cave is open daily, including public holidays.
Postojna Cave is the best known Cave in the world and the largest show Cave of the Classic Karst in Europe with 38 000 000 visitors in over 200 years. Postojna Cave is open daily, including public holidays.
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Opening Hours
- ponedeljek
- 09:00 - 17:00
- torek
- 09:00 - 17:00
- sreda
- 09:00 - 17:00
- četrtek
- 09:00 - 17:00
- petek
- 09:00 - 17:00
- sobota
- 09:00 - 17:00
- nedelja
- 09:00 - 17:00
facebook.comSummer is here to stay apparently ... so how about cooling off on the beach AND getting lost in the countless cool passages of Postojna Cave underground. Find your tickets here:
Go deeper underground, discover more, have a bigger adventure. Join our adventure tour taking you through 3 caves of the Postojna Cave System. Every day at noon. Choose your adventure:
There are only 21 unusual and amazing things in the world, according to Bright Side. Our Predjamski grad Castle-Castello-Burg is one of them. 🏰 But we already knew that. 😉
After all the dragon drama in the last episode of your favourite TV show, we think today everybody might need something nice and magical to look at. So, take a look at our Predjamski grad Castle-Castello-Burg! 😍🏰🌟
You want to go deeper and discover more of what the Postojna Cave underground has to offer? No problem, we have a few other options for those of you who want to explore the world below. Check out our underground adventures.
»… stand under my umbrella, ella, ella…« is something you won't be singing at Postojna Cave. No rain can touch you here, so hurry up and escape the bad weather forecast in the coolest place in Slovenia. Find your tickets here:
[ON THIS DAY] Have you ever heard of Otok Cave? The 632 m long cave is part of the great Postojna Cave system. It was discovered on this day 128 years ago. Because of its various and magical structures, we sometimes call it the mini Postojna Cave. 😉
198 years ago the first noted visitor entered the Postojna Cave. Emperor to be – Ferdinand – walked the newly discovered and opened parts of the cave in 1819 and was recorded in the famous book of visitors. Until today, more than 37 million followed in his footsteps. We are counting off the last thousands before we reach 38 millionth visitor of Postojna Cave.
Families and Postojna Cave fit together perfectly! What happens when a cool family visits the coolest place in Slovenia? A cool travel vlog. Check it out.
Postojna Cave Park is open every day of the year, including today. Check out today’s tours and opening times. Welcome!
Visit Predjama Castle today. Medieval camp is already set up. Become a master of archery, claim your throne at Predjama Castle. You can try shooting a crossbow or bow and arrow shooting. The camp is open only today, until 6 p.m. Don't miss it.
Become a knight of Predjamski grad Castle-Castello-Burg and a master of archery. Claim your throne! Predjama Castle's tournament area, Monday, August 14th.
#postojnskajama #postojnacave #cave #grotte #höhle #tropfsteinhöhle #postojna #slovenia #slowenien #ifeelsLOVEnia #visitslovenia #jama #cold #stone #stalagmite #stalagtites

A caverna de Postojna é um dos principais pontos turísticos da Eslovênia, com mais de 200 anos desde sua abertura para turistas. . A visita é feita em grupos guiados que saem de 30 em 30 minutos, e percorre 5km por dentro da caverna. Apenas 1,5km são feitos a pé, os outros 3,5km são feitos em um trem. . Importante lembrar que a temperatura dentro da caverna é constante durante todo o ano, em torno de 10ºC e, por isso, é importante levar um casaco, mesmo no verão! Mas caso não se atente a isso, há disponível o aluguel de sobretudos por 3€. . #nossoblogdeviagem #nanameleva

Throw it, pleeease...

Relax ...#relaxing #мороженое #дети

Wonderful stone curtain formation in the Postojna Caves in Slovenia. #cave #stalagmite #stalagtite #underground #motog5plus #beautiful_nature #slovenia #slovenië #slovenja #postonja #postonjskajama #curtain

What a day!! #lovinglife #amazing #caves #holiday

Un saludo desde Slovenija

Postojna: Dragons' caves #Slovenia #Postojna #Postumia #caves #höhle #babydragon #proteus #trip #karst #mchela

The cave is so huge it actually has a concert hall in it


Stalaktyty, stalagmity, stalagnaty. #cave#grotte#Slovenia#Postojna

#пещера #постойнаяма #постойна #отпуск2017 #postojna #ferie2017 #postojnajama #slovenia #grotte

Никогда в своей жизни не видела ни чего подобного! Har aldri sett noe lignende før! #grotte #пещера#словения#постойнаяма #постойна#постойнапещера #postojna #postojnajama #slovenia #ferie #ferie2017 #отпуск2017#postoinskajama

Niezwykła...urokliwa i trzeba tam być by poczuć jaką małą cząstką tego świata jesteśmy...zupełnie małą ....
