Zavod Druga Godba Ljubljana is a non-profit cultural organisation whose main work involves the organisation of the Druga Godba International Festival.
Camp site and hostel in heart of Alps. Located in Zgornje Jezersko, Slovenia.
VSAK DAN OD 9h DO 16h. Klasična ali drsalna tehnika za vsakogar! Z Matejem (031 794 179) in Katjo (040 815 251), Go Outdoor.
Društvo dražba organizira dražbe v sklopu facebooka oz. jih organizira za ljubitelje dražb. Večino stvari, ki jih vidite tu pa
Etrel is the leading manufacturer of innovative solutions for clean and sustainable e-mobility.
Welcome to Maribor: the city of the world's oldest vine, the European Youth Capital 2013 and the European Capital Of Culture 2012! Maribor Tourist Board
Ultramarathon cycling race around Slovenia... 1200 km in one part.
Zavod Afriška Vas združuje v Sloveniji živeče Afričane, ter vse, ki jih zanima afriška kultura, zgodovina in prihodnost.