VedriAlp Vinarstvo & Turizem / VedriAlp Winery & Tourism
VedriAlp Vinarstvo & Turizem / VedriAlp Winery & Tourism VedriAlp je vino, ki ga je enostavno treba doživeti.
Ker njegova aroma prebuja sončne spomine in ker njegov poln eleganten okus nežno objema življenje. V vinu VedriAlp je čutiti predanost in iskrenost tistih, ki ga ustvarijo – družine Marinič.
Nad njihovimi višje ležečimi vinogradi v Vedrijanu, Goriških Brdih si podata roki gorski in morski zrak. Ti dve klimi v vino vneseta harmonično prepletanje alpske odločnosti in mediteranske radosti.
Tudi zato je treba doživeti vino VedriAlp.
Spoznajte vina VedriAlp.
Nekatera zapeljejo s svežino, druga spregovorijo plemenito.
Njihova raznolikost kaže, da ima vsako od njih ima svoj značaj, pripoveduje svojo zgodbo. Na vodenih degustacijah vina bolje spoznate ter jih zato tudi bolje razumete in bolj uživate v njihovem dovršenem okusu.
Svoje čute pa lahko razvajate še ob domači briški kulinariki.
Jedi pripravljamo tudi iz pridelkov domačega vrta.
Uživajte v intimni večerji v dvoje, na poslovnem srečanju ali na slavnostnem dogodku.
Sprejmemo do 200 ljudi (zaključene skupine, poroke itd.).
Plesišče vas čaka. Naše odprto srce tudi.
VedriAlp wine simply has to be experienced.
Because its aroma will awaken sunny memories and because its elegantly
full taste softly embraces life. You will feel the dedication and honesty of the producers of VedriaAlp wine – the Marinič family.
Alpine and marine airs join hands above their vineyards, situated in the higher parts of Goriška Brda, in Vedrijan. The two climates bring a harmony of Alpine determination and Mediterranean joy into the wine.
This is simply another reason to experience the VedriAlp wine.
Discover VedriAlp wines.
Some of them will seduce you with their freshness, while other will speak nobly to you. Their variety will show that each wine has its own character, tells its own story.
Guided wine tasting will let you discover our wines more thoroughly and with this new knowledge their sophisticated taste will be even more enjoyable.
With us you may also indulge your senses in Brda cuisine.
Our food is prepared with our own garden produce.
Enjoy an intimate dinner for two, a business meeting or celebrate an important event.
We accept groups of up to 200 persons (organized groups, weddings etc.)
The dance floor and our open hearts are awaiting.