Authentic Vietnamese cuisine
Open: 11:00 - 19:00
Koroška cesta 17, Maribor, Slovenia, 2000
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Opening Hours
- ponedeljek
- 11:00 - 21:00
- torek
- 11:00 - 21:00
- sreda
- 11:00 - 21:00
- četrtek
- 11:00 - 21:00
- petek
- 11:00 - 21:00
- sobota
- 12:00 - 21:00
facebook.comWe are back in the kitchen & there are some goodies await you! :) Ngon - Okus Vietnama team
Dragi gostje, Ngon je od 31.7. do 4.8. na krajšem oddihu. Za Vas bomo spet kuhali od 7. avgusta naprej! Se vidimo! ;) Dear guest, Ngon is on a short vacation from 31.7. untill 4.8. See you again on 7th of August! ;)
Summer rolls| Low Carb| Gluten free| 100% Fresh #ngonokusvietnam #ngonmaribor
It's the chilly weather that makes our Pho even more yummy 😋 #pho #ngonmaribor #ngonokusvietnama
V NGON IŠČEMO KUHARJE/NATAKARJE, REDNA ZAPOSLITEV ! Če se rad/a sučeš v kuhinji, eksperimentiraš z začimbami in uživaš v delu z ljudmi ti lahko ponudimo zanimivo izkušnjo, redno plačo in dinamično delo. Če te zanima azijsko-vietnamska kuhinja in bi se pridružil/a naši ekipi v vietnamski restavraciji v Mariboru ali če poznaš koga, ki bi ga zanimalo mi piši na ZS! ;) U Love asian kitchen, cooking and working with people? Join our team in a Vietnamese restaurant in Maribor, send us a message ;)
#Repost @sandrafeher. We're very happy that you enjoy our food 💕💕 ・・・ Amazing, as always 👌 #ngon #vietnamesefood #ngonokusvietnama #food #chickencurry #springrolls #summerrolls #foodgasm #bestfoodinmaribor
If you are vegetarians, we got tofu! :) Tofu marinated in lemongrass served with noodle salad. Special made upon request! #ngonmaribor #ngonokusvietnama
Most- wanted dish this summer: Chicken lemongrass noodle salad ✌🏻️✌🏻️💻 Menu on ☎️ 040 146 511
Vietnamese lunch box takeaway| Fresh| Healthy| Delicious. 💻 Menu on ☎️ 040 146 511
Vietnamese vegan dishes| Vegan Pho| Vegan stir fried noodle with vegetables & tofu| Vegan curry| Vegan summer rolls
"To make the hottest car ever, we followed one simple philosophy: Put Sriracha in everything" 😎😎#LexusIS #LexusSriracha - Do you know that " Tương ớt Sriracha" - the world most beloved hot chili sauce is created by a Vietnamese? Respect!
Yes!! Sunny friday 🌞🌞, and we love to see our Vietnamese lunchies are with you to enjoy a perfect day!! #ngonmaribor #ngonokusvietnama