Drink locally, drink at the brewery. The best place to drink HumanFish in. 10 taps & a nice selection of bottles, including guest beers from other Slovenian and regional craft breweries.
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As we all know you need some beer and good company in between all the family obligations and holiday mingling parties at work... This week, the TapRoom. will be open every day.
Dragi naši, TapRoom bo danes, 24.12., zaradi okraševanja smrečic, pečenja piškotov in pripravljanja pečenk, ostal zaprt. Se vidimo jutri popoldne!
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Delamo. :) Bussiness as usual.
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Vsem, ki ste danes nameravali priti na pivo v TapRoom, se iskreno opravičujemo, ker to žal ne bo možno. Dostop je zaradi nam nenapovedanih gradbenih del nevaren in nemogoč, tako da bo TapRoom danes ostal zaprt. Pridni delavci pravijo, da bodo dela do jutri končana. Držimo pesti!
Silvijevi pozabljeni hiti
Releasing the new album Back home
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It's all about the puppies today at the TapRoom!!! Christmas lights still tangled and given up on. For now. Who needs them anyway, if Mudpuppy's finally back on tap and getting us in the mood.
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American Homebrewers Association's Zymurgy and Revija Joker available here, so you can educate yourself while drinking Pale Ale, Stout, S.I.P.A., Combat Wombat or Cull of the Unicorns.
Welcome back Mudpuppy!
Visit Vrhnika
Vrhnika 1914. If you look closely you can see the TapRoom. If you look closer you can see Jasa Zidar drinking a Combat Wombat.
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We gotta make space for the incoming Mudpuppy.
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The universe called. Ordered Cull of the Unicorns. TapRoom. Now.