You are a unique brand=business diamond worth 400 trillion. Your present marketing fails 2 tell your story persuasively. I have your back with marCAREting! You are a unique brand=business diamond worth 400 trillion. Your present marketing fails 2 tell your story persuasively. I have your back with marCAREting!
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facebook.comDragi moji, ko neizmerno uživaš, vse tako hitro mine, ne?! Prehitro! In zato je treba ponavljat in ponavljat in ponavljat! 😉 in v @HAPPY FEET - Srečne nogice, zdravo telo!” je to tako simple odločitev, da se vračaš! Jaz sem razumela, da sem dobila refleksno masažo obraza, a @Ljubica Kure kot ekspertka bo povedala točno kaj je bilo 😉 Jaz samo vem, da je bilo to točno to, kar sem v tistem trenutku potrebovala! Self-love rules!
Let’s dive into marketing! Any questions about it? Hit me. I’ll answer.
A healer, a coach, a mentor, a consultant, a friend, a partner, mom, dad, sister, brother, daughter, son, aunt, grandma, grandad.... No one on this planet can save you! They can only be the beautiful energy in your life, near which you feel You can fucking do it on your own! I Love you for loving yourself. Lenja.
Darling, why is marketing so hard sometimes? Why don't you write more newsletters? Do FB lives? Write more posts? Do a landing page and promote promote promote? Why do you set the price(s) lower than you wish? Why don't you talk about prices publicly? Why do you say YES when your whole being screams NO? Why is doing business so damn hard sometimes? Well, I give you the AHA moment which is not just a new page but a new galaxy opening up! Listen. ... how do you feel about this? Lenja
"Executing your marketing strategy is only hard when you are too hard on yourself." Lenja Faraguna
The softest kiss which is felt forever even if it lasted only a second. Good night dear people.
This is such a big topic: GIVING THINGS AWAY FOR FREE and WHERE TO DRAW THE LINE? >>>> I talk about my own 3 stories which so clearly show that people will always try and get things for free and how you should react! >>>> I kill 2 myths about “giving things for free” FOR EVER! Tag eveyone you know, who is a solopreneur and wants to give but doesn't want to kill themselves serving others for ever and someone who wants to know how to draw a clear line between giving and getting paid for is anymore. Lenja.
Darlings, I will now do I FB live about giving things away for free: advice, products, services, etc. everyone is talking about giving value, right? For free! But when does the “paying” start?! I have 4 stories for you and a solution! Lenja.
Darlings, this quote is the best ever explanation of me as your coach! I free you from your old self who does not believe in your magic and the fact that you can create a life you want. Yes I am epic at business & marketing strategy, copywriting - I rock. But all this strategy, funnels, algorithms, and shit means shit, if you keep blocking yourself. You are your own biggest contraception darling, you. I KNOW, I USED TO BE MINE TOO. Until I got myself a coach. My dream coach. Who I thought was not reachable for me. Guess what - I made it happen in 1 month. In 1 month I made enough to make this easiest decision to hire her. I can also tell you how I did it! (ask me) And now I know I am my own saviour! But trust me, I said all these EXCUSES to me why at a certain time in my life I so want 777% progress but... a coach is: - too expensive, - too intensive, - my hubby will think I am nuts paying this amount of money for my business education when there are others thing as priority - new kitchen, new car, travel, saving... , - I will be lonely because none of my (business) friends has a coach and they will think I am a loser because I can't figure things out on my own - I can't dig personal shit (limiting beliefs) out of my closet now, I need to focus on my business strategy and work like crazy - and other excuses like: 1) "My coach doesn't know anything about my industry!" True, the coach probably doesn't have your specific expertise knowledge but that is not neccessary. Why would she? You are enough and the coach trusts your expertise! But your biggest success obstacle is not the lack of knowledge but it is of human mind & heart matter. Mind-set and heart-set. Strategy is the easiest to implement when we have that covered. 2) "I can't decide which coach I should pick!" Well, how does it feel reading the posts of all the potential coaches? Which one makes you feel epic about yourself? Leave a comment under his/her FB posts, ask a question under his/her FB lives, get the feeling and trust your gut. 3) "It is too expensive and I want the coach to give me a guarantee of the ROI and my success!" Coaching is all about you, darling, not the coach. He/She just guides you back to YOUR PATH, which you have set to go on but have made a detour here and there. You do the work and how much you trust yourself you can do all this, you will. 4) "I'm afraid I will have so much more work with the coach and I already have too much to do." Oh darling, you will have "work to do on yourself", so you will finally master how to work smarter and lighter not longer. There are tactics and techniques which help you get over your daily challenges with ease and flow, so they don't come up over and over and over again and block your success and freedom. Plus, remember - you are the Captain/esse of your ship, you are the leader of how fast the motors run, not your coach. I just keep reminding you of your NORTHERN STAR, so you do not go off of your PATH of SUCCESS too much. Darling, breathe! Breathe! It is all ok. You got this. Do some self-loving first, take it easy, don't push a decision, it has to be a decision which just lights you up! And comes easy but deep! If any of these 1:1 packages with me light you up, tell me! 1. PACKAGE "CITY ESCAPE" The price: 3.500 EUR (can be payed in 2 installments of 1.750 EUR, 14 days apart). 2 months support 1:1 from me: - 60 mins monthly 1:1 coaching with me over Zoom - daily written support - access to me all day long for very specific advice, over a mobile application Voxer (Monday-Thursday) + 1 INTENSIVE DAY IN AN EPIC CITY WITH ME 1:1 (London, Venice, Novi Sad, Amsterdam etc)(travel your responsibility) Bonus: you get all 3 of my online programmes, worth 2.275 EUR in the package, which are nov available for 399 EUR. This is self-study and it is crucial for you to get this knowledge) 2. PACKAGE "SEA" 10.000 EUR - full pay in advance 4000 EUR in advance + 4 x 2000 (12.000) 5 months of such support: - 2 intensive VIP days with me 1:1 1) MOKRIN HOUSE, Vojvodina Serbia - mid of our time together 2) VENICE - end of our time together (hotel my treat, travel yours) - Bi weekly 1 hour coaching calls over Zoom - recorded (10 all together) - daily written support - access to me all day long for very specific advice, over a mobile application Voxer (Monday-Thursday) Bonus: you get all 3 of my online programmes, worth 2.275 EUR in the package, which are nov available for 399 EUR. This is self-study and it is crucial for you to get this knowledge) 3. PACKAGE "OCEAN" - yearly mastermind 6.900 EUR - full pay in advance or 600 per month for 12 months >>> WE START THIS WEEK. 12 months of epic support from me: - 1 LIVE in person business retreat - in the sun, on the beach (3 days, accommodation, food and a guest coach my treat) - 1:1 call per month with me over Zoom - recorded (12 all together) - daily written support - access to me all day long for very specific advice, over a mobile application Voxer (Monday-Thursday) - Monthly Live group training by me in the secret FB group Bonus: you get all 3 of my online programmes, worth 2.275 EUR in the package, which are nov available for 399 EUR. This is self-study and it is crucial for you to get this knowledge). If you don't trust yourself yet to get a 1:1 coach, get the cloned me, in my pre-recorded online business, marketing and copywriting programmes at this special price of 399 EUR, instead of 2.275 EUR (until April 1st 2018, midnight). These 3 programmes are getting re-branded, so this is why I am offering them for such an epic price. Get access to them right here, pay, start working right away: Remember, your self-worth equals your net worth. So it all starts with self-love and only then we start with strategy hacks. Love ya. Lenja.
"She was one of the rare ones, so effortlessly herself and the world loved her for it." / Atticus Dear moms and dear moms to be, I wish you that. To be so effortlessly you, riding on all your big and small waves, sailing in and out of the safe harbour and back to the open oceans and allowing your child (ren) to feel your freedom and making it become the DNA for theirs. I had waited 9 years to be able to receive a "Happy mother's day" message and I have cried my eyes out, been jealous, felt lonely, ashamed, angry, sad but I never gave up hope. For all of you who are waiting for March 25th to be your day too, please watch my free webinar I did about my 9 year journey of my challenge to get pregnant and all I had learned about myself, life and business. This 9 year journey was my biggest miracle until my boy Noa arrived. It is my gift to you, free, here - IN SLOVENE: Yes, I believe one has to be realistic and not just beklieve in miracles (like my beautiful Tshirt says, thanks Nepopolna Mama) but to create miracles for ourselves. You, dear woman, have that power inside. Trust me, I thought I lost it to but reminded myself I know better ;) I hug you. Lenja
Self lovingly ending this Saturday. You?
My dears, zdaj tako jočem! Od največje hvaležnosti ever. Gledam namreč svoj webinar izpred točno 2 let na današnji dan, ki je zame spremenil vse. Vse. "Zakaj so neizpolnjene sanje najboljši učitelj?" je bil naslov webinarja, kjer sem se prvič v življenju svojo zgodbo povedala JAVNO. Wow. Ta webinar morajo slišat vse ženske! Moje izjemno sporočilo se je takrat začelo kristalizirat in to za žensko, ki: 1) ne moreš/more zanositi (pa ni zdravstvenega razloga za to) 2) podjetnico, ki si “noseča z idejo”, bi rada “rodila” svoj izjemen posel, pa nikakor ne moreš odpluti iz svojega varnega pristanišča, kjer je voda že tako umazano rjava in tvoje sidro ne najde več opore v mulju, saj čuti, da je čas, da dvigneš in odpluješ na oceane sreče in uspeha. To je link, kjer si poglej moj FREE webinar in pod tem postom taggat vse ženske, ki čutiš, da ga morajo slišat. Moji gostji sta bili Helena Kodrič Mori iz Shero Business Academy by Helena Kodric Mori & Petra Knez Bahoriz Kontaktni center - taki babnci, da te sezuje, s katerima delimo podobno zgodbo o zanositvi, ki nas je pripeljala do ljubezni do življenja, ki jo danes še bolj čutimo v sebi. Mater, kakšen filing je to, da tako dokumentiraš svoj life, vidiš svojo pot, ki gre samo navzgor in si nase ponosna every step of the way, ker s tem, ko ti zmaguješ in siješ, sijejo tudi diamanti okrog tebe. Samo wow. Taggajte in taggajte do amena, ker ena ženska tam zunaj sedaj potrebuje moje besede in energijo, da se spet spomni kakšen unikaten čudež je in si lahko skreira life, ki ga sama želi. vaša gola Lenja.