Our main occupation is to developed affordable building which can by blend into any environment. Our domes are mobile, modular and they can be placed on the degraded but interesting areas (e.g. forests or ski slopes) Our main occupation is to developed affordable building which can by build on degraded areas while taking into account exterier and interier multifuncionality mobility and modularity. We have developed something different, a fresh radical design which is our innovation. The idea was based on the principles of bionic constructions e.g. the building is designed to blend in any environment.
This is first built dodecahedron construction in the world. We make it because of construction advantages. The dome is make by modular elements and even the domes can by easily added or taken away - so we have double modularity.
We developed a wide variety of accommodation and modular customisation on degraded areas. Our product gives new dimension to life in nature - from Alpin / Ski villages, over Nordic lake villages to life in Treetop Rain forests.
- With mobility we are solving problem of attachment to a particular area.
- With modularity we are solving space needs of users - domes can by easily added or removed for another purpose
- With possibility of placing objects on degraded areas (e.g. on tilting terrains, swamp, ski slopes, water, forest,...) customers are given possibility of installing units on degraded but interesting locations
We solve many problems as a tightening, energy efficiency, we made the first 3 Dimensional 3 layer thermopane windows and because of simplicity the dome can be built by the sistem DIY. The all idea is based and it's built on principles of golden ratio.
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Opening Hours
- ponedeljek
- 09:00 - 17:00
- torek
- 09:00 - 17:00
- sreda
- 09:00 - 17:00
- četrtek
- 09:00 - 17:00
- petek
- 09:00 - 17:00
..dron foto..
..nos alegra que nuestro trabajo se note..we are glad that our work is noticed..
..lately we developed a few additional elements for ours domes and we are interested about your opinion. With wooden glued beams smartdome can be elevated to the standing heigh. In this way the user gets under the dome additional space, shade in the summer or a garage...We also added external shade elements for a windows..
..we are delighted that our work is noticed 😊 the plant can revives
..aaaaaa ? 😊
..somewhere in
..interier in progress