We offer rooms with breakfast and free WiFi in 160 years old house. B&B Rot is located in Bohinjska Bela, just a few kilometres outside Bled.
Apartments sitting under a rock wall in authentic Slovenian village of Bohinjska Bela, near the rush of the city Bled, yet far enough to find your peace.
Sprostitev je umetnost, ki jo je potrebno osvojiti.
Kmetijo Dolinar Krainer boste našli na začetku majhne, idilične vasice Kupljenik, le 5 km oddaljene od Bleda in 20 km od Bohinjskega jezera
Apartment with nature in your hand! In our House Bela we give you a feeling of pristine nature and freedom. It is located near one of the biggest turistic attraction lake Bled and on the way to another slovenian juwel - lake Bohinj.
Apartments Pintar are situated in a nice village Bohinjska Bela, which is a perfect starting point for family trips, pleasent walks, cycling or just enjoying beautiful and peaceful surroundings.
Gostilna ROT, z vami od leta 1860.
Zlet (Nacionalni Jamboree) je ena najlepših izkušenj v življenju vsakega tabornika. Gre za veliko taborjenje, na katerem se zbere več sto in tudi več tisoč udeležencev – članov ZTS in članov ZSKSS ter skavtov iz tujine.
Flyfishing guide , Internet shop ,flyfishing courses
Our pension is located in a beatifull village Bohinjska Bela. You can find more about us on our website.
www.visitslovenija.eu Superior Holiday Homes in the Julian Alps of Slovenia.
Find us also on Instagram by the name: guinnespublj
Whether you’re just getting started dreaming about holiday on a boat or you are already an experienced sailor – we want to help you.
Naravni, visoko kvalitetni sirupi. Sirup je namenjen pripravi okusnega in osvežilnega brezalkoholnega napitka.
Lipar Design
Veseli december v Mežici!
DOBER VID JE IZJEMNO POMEMBEN ZA VISOKO KAKOVOST ŽIVLJENJA. Vid je glavno človeško čutilo in kot tak oblikuje našo predstavo o svetu, ki nas obdaja.
Dojemaj jahanje kot znanost, občuduj ga kot umetnost!