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Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies University of Warsaw

Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28, Srodmiescie, Poland



Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies. University of Warsaw. ISSN: 1230-1604 (Published since 1991) Od momentu powstania czasopisma "Pro Georgia" jego wersja drukowana jest wersją pierwotną. ISSN: 1230-1604

Ukazujący się od 1991 roku rocznik „Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies”, Studium Europy Wschodniej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w ciągu dwudziestu trzech lat swojej działalności stał się jednym z najpoważniejszym a także jednym z nielicznych pism naukowych poświęconych szeroko rozumianej problematyce kartwelologicznej (gruzińskiej) i kaukaskiej nie tylko w Polsce, ale i w Europie. Studia takie, głównie o profilu historycznym i literaturoznawczym, wcześniej rzadko były podejmowane w polskich instytucjach naukowych zwłaszcza na uniwersytetach. „Pro Georgia” ma już ogromne zasługi i to w wielu dziedzinach, zwłaszcza prezentacji badan nad historią i kulturą Kaukazu. Łączy ono, z jednej strony, przedstawicieli różnych dyscyplin i specjalności wokół problematyki kartwelologicznej i kaukaskiej, z drugiej jest obecnie najbardziej znanym i uznanym forum wymiany myśli i prezentacji badań dla uczonych nie tylko polskich, ale także zagranicznych. „Pro Georgia” jest obecnie klasycznymi wydawnictwami, w najlepszym sensie tego słowa. Stanowi trwały dorobek polskiej myśli humanistycznej, nawiązując do najlepszych tradycji, reprezentowanych przez dawne polskie piśmiennictwo naukowe.
Komitet redakcyjny tworzą: David Kolbaia (redaktor), Henryk Paprocki, Wojciech Materski, Jan Malicki. Działa międzynarodowa Rada “Pro Georgia”. Sofia Jvania (sekretarz naukowi).


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HENRYK PAPROCKI, Czas. Esej o wieczności (fragmenty). Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies. University of Warsaw. 26(2016) 199-242. ISSN: 1230-1604. The text presented is a fragment of a book prepared for print, which is dedicated to the understanding of time from antiquity to the modern era by philosophers, scholars and writers. This book will address various concepts of time, such as: Time according to A. Ancient and medieval philosophers B. Modern and contemporary philosophers, the Beginning (and end) of time, Chronos and Kairos, the Eternal return, Apocatastasis, Repetition, Liturgical and sacred time, the First and eighth day, Time and movement (consequence), Time as fatality, Time as four (or three) aeons, Accumulating time, “scientifi c” time, Time questioned and Time and Eternity. The selected fragments indicate that time has been understood in many different ways throughout history, however only two of all the possible interpretations have played a primary role, that is linear and holistic (the theory of eternal returns). Parmenides of Elea (sixth century B.C.) had already rejected the concept of time and concerned himself with only changes. In the writings of Plato, Aristotle, Augustine and other thinkers one can see certain hesitations to accept the existence of time (particularly the past and future) and its defi nition. There have also been tendencies from absolutizing time (Isaac Newton) to its rejection (Bryce DeWitt and Julian Barbour). In the last chapter of the book, the author attempts to answer the question if time exists at all or if it is a human invention to express changes and the consequences of events.

HENRYK PAPROCKI, Czas. Esej o wieczności (fragmenty). Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies. University of Warsaw. 26(2016) 199-242. ISSN: 1230-1604.

The text presented is a fragment of a book prepared for print, which is dedicated to the understanding of time from antiquity to the modern era by philosophers, scholars and writers. This book will address various concepts of time, such as: Time according to A. Ancient and medieval philosophers B. Modern and contemporary philosophers, the Beginning (and end) of time, Chronos and Kairos, the Eternal return, Apocatastasis, Repetition, Liturgical and sacred time, the First and eighth day, Time and movement (consequence), Time as fatality, Time as four (or three) aeons, Accumulating time, “scientifi c” time, Time questioned and Time and Eternity. The selected fragments indicate that time has been understood in many different ways throughout history, however only two of all the possible interpretations have played a primary role, that is linear and holistic (the theory of eternal returns). Parmenides of Elea (sixth century B.C.) had already rejected the concept of time and concerned himself with only changes. In the writings of Plato, Aristotle, Augustine and other thinkers one can see certain hesitations to accept the existence of time (particularly the past and future) and its defi nition. There have also been tendencies from absolutizing time (Isaac Newton) to its rejection (Bryce DeWitt and Julian Barbour). In the last chapter of the book, the author attempts to answer the question if time exists at all or if it is a human invention to express changes and the consequences of events.

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GIORGI SOLSIASHVILI, Asomtavruli Inscriptions on Ditsi Saint Mary Virgin church near the Russian Occupational Line. Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies. University of Warsaw. 26(2016) 161-178. ISSN: 1230-1604. Ditsi Saint Mary Virgin chuch is located near the village cemetery. It is a hall type, simple rectangle shaped building, with a newly renovated two double inclined tin roof. On the south façade the church has a new outbuilding. On the south and west sides the church has two doors. The church has window installed on the east side (one window) and on the south side (two windows). On the interior side we could envisage see the signs of old plasters. The newly discovered inscriptions were discovered on the south and interior sides – on the east step of the south pylon. About the inscriptions: In the scientifi c literature Ditsi church was considered as the late feudal cultural site, however the inscriptions on the church changed the history. It is worth mentioning that in April 2013, we discovered inscriptions on the east facade of the church under the damaged plasters.

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Photos from Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies University of Warsaw's post

IRAKLI PAGHAVA, K’ak’i (Ka-khed): One More Georgian Coin-Minting Urban Center. Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies. University of Warsaw. 26(2016) 117-140. ISSN: 1230-1604. Political fragmentation of Georgia in the 15th century was followed by at least partial disintegration of the national economic market, differentiated evolution and relative isolation of the economic processes in the newly established Georgian principalities. From numismatic point of view one has to note the conception of several new money minting centers, including the Zagami, the only urban and mint producing center of K’akheti we knew before.

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BUBA KUDAVA, GOCHA SAITIDZE, A newly discovered relief from Iskhani Cathedral. Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies.University of Warsaw. 26(2016) 17-28. ISSN: 1230-1604. A sculptured tympanum, supposedly discovered in 2013, in the environs of Ishkhani cathedral is kept in Rize Museum. It bears an image of the Virgin and Child with the donor standing before Her and holding a building in his hand, on the roof of which a pigeon = Holy Ghost is seated, while the blessing Hand of the Lord is carved in the centre. Based on the artistic merits of the relief and taking historic events into account, the relief should be dated to the fi rst half of the 11th c. No place for the tympanum can be found within the extant Ishkhani cathedral. It might have been placed above the entrance of some chapel forming part of the west porch complex – venerated icon of the “Virgin Portaitissa” (evidenced by the literary sources) might have been housed here. It might have decorated the monastery gate (although, small dimensions make it less probable), if the above mentioned icon would have been placed in the gate-church – similar to the case of Iviron monastery on Mount Athos. The man represented on the relief seems likely to be the donor of this chapel (probably, his burial chapel) – he might have been a member of the Bagrationi royal family or a local feudal lord, who had contributed to the works ongoing in Ishkhani cathedral in the fi rst half of the 11th c.

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WOJCIECH MATERSKI, Gruzini oficerowie kontraktowi Wojska Polskiego w kampanii wrześniowej 1939 r. „Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies.University of Warsaw”. 26(2016) 243-284. ISSN: 1230-1604. " After the fall of the Georgian Republic (March 1921) numerous members of its political and military elite emigrated, fi rst to Turkey and then to Greece, France and other countries. A substantial group of about 300 persons including 42 offi cers and 48 offi cer cadets, some of them accompanied by their families, found themselves in the II Republic of Poland as in April 1920 Poland and the independent Republic of Georgia signed a military treaty. Being Polish allies they were offered by Marshal Joseph Pilsudski himself a possibility to train and then serve in the Polish Army as contract offi cers without having to renounce their Georgian citizenship. They were famous for their zeal and determination as they believed that one day they would come back to their homeland. The Georgian contract offi cers trained in Polish military schools and offi cer schools and many graduated from Higher War School in Warsaw (Wyższa Szkoła Wojenna). They served primarily in land forces, cavalry and artillery. Their names can also be found in the Polish marine forces, engineering and geographical sections. Generally speaking in the years 1922-1939 over one hundred of Georgian contract offi cers and cadet offi cers served in the Polish army. They were the biggest national minority in the army of the II Republic of Poland. Their service and their training might be considered putting into practice the Promethean ideas the two countries shared, just like in the case of Georgian civilian youths receiving their education in the Eastern Institute (Instytut Wschodni) in Warsaw. In September 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland the Georgian contract offi cers were not obliged to fi ght but they volunteered to join the Polish Army. This paper is devoted to them and the part they took in the Polish war with the Germans and later, against the Soviets. Some of the Georgian contract offi cers were killed in the September campaign and some were taken as hostages. No research concerning their fate is available which from the point of view of statistics is quite understandable as they were few in comparison with the Polish soldiers. Yet the symbolic meaning of their fi ght is enormous which is emphasized by the monument commemorating the Georgian-Polish brotherhood in arms erected in the grounds of the Museum of Warsaw Uprising and opened by president Lech Kaczynski and president Michel Saakaszwili in May 2007 ". Wojciech Materski

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RESO KIKNADZE. Kontakion / კონდაკი. Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies.University of Warsaw. 26(2016) 285-298. ISSN: 1230-1604. "The whole composition is built on an audio recording: Dr. Heinzgerd Brakmann’s talk about Grigol Peradze’s life, work and death. All the pitch material is derived from a „spectral trancription“ of this soundfi le and the entire time-fl ow is also determined by the narration of his arrest and execution. The emotional stop and pause during Dr. Brakmann’s speech, with suppressed tears of sorrow, is implied in the piece with a bell chime. Towards the end, a folk song, recorded in Bakurtsikhe, Father Grigol’s birthplace in Kakheti, a region of Georgia, underlies scattered words and fragments of St. Grigol Peradze’s kontakion". Reso Kiknadze

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"Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies.University of Warsaw". 26(2016). pp. 312. ISSN: 1230-1604. Published since 1991.

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Nadchodzące Wydarzenia / Międzynarodowa Konferencja Kaukazologiczna im. św. Grzegorza Peradze pod patronatem Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Andrzeja Dudy / Studium Europy Wschodniej / Uniwersytet Warszawski / Sala Senatu, 6 grudnia 2106, godz. 16:45. Św. Grzegorz Peradze (Ikona napisana przez Michała Boguckiego, 2005).

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Nadchodzące Wydarzenia / Międzynarodowa Konferencja Kaukazologiczna im. św. Grzegorza Peradze pod patronatem Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Andrzeja Dudy / Studium Europy Wschodniej / Uniwersytet Warszawski / Sala Senatu, 6 grudnia 2106, godz. 16:45.

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Nadchodzące Wydarzenia / Międzynarodowa Konferencja Kaukazologiczna im. św. Grzegorza Peradze pod patronatem Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Andrzeja Dudy / Studium Europy Wschodniej / Uniwersytet Warszawski / Sala Senatu, 6 grudnia 2106, godz. 16:45. 5 დეკემბერი: 16:45 -19: 00 ვარშავის წმ. გრიგოლ ფერაძის სახელობის სამლოცველო (მისამართი: ლელეხოვსკას ქუჩა 5) √ 16:45 -18:00 წმ. გრიგოლ ფერაძის პრემიის ლაურეატის არქიმანდრიტი ადამის (ვახტანგ ახალაძე) პოეზიის საღამო მევიოლინე ლუკაშ ჰაიდუჩენია √ 18:00-19:30 საზეიმო მსახურება: ლოცვებს აღავლენენ: უნეტარესი საბა, სრულიად პოლონეთისა და ვარშავის მიტროპოლიტი. მისი მაღალყოვლადუსამღვდელოესობა მიტროპოლიტი ანდრია (გვაზავა) არქიმანდრიტი ადამი (ვახტანგ ახალაძე) დეკანოზი ჰენრიკ პაპროცკი √ 19: 30 მრევლის მიერ მომზადებული ვახშამი √ 6 დეკემბერი 8: 00 საღმრთო ლიტურგია

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Dzień św. Grzegorza

5 დეკემბერი 16:45 -19: 00 ვარშავის წმ. გრიგოლ ფერაძის სახელობის სამლოცველო (მისამართი: ლელეხოვსკას ქუჩა 5) 16:45 -18:00 წმ. გრიგოლ ფერაძის პრემიის ლაურეატის არქიმანდრიტი ადამის (ვახტანგ ახალაძე) პოეზიის საღამო მევიოლინე ლუკაშ ჰაიდუჩენია √ 18:00-19: 30 საზეიმო მსახურება: ლოცვებს აღავლენენ: უნეტარესი საბა, სრულიად პოლონეთისა და ვარშავის მიტროპოლიტი. მისი მაღალყოვლადუსამღვდელოესობა მიტროპოლიტი ანდრია (გვაზავა) არქიმანდრიტი ადამი (ვახტანგ ახალაძე) დეკანოზი ჰენრიკ პაპროცკი √ 19: 30 მრევლის მიერ მომზადებული ვახშამი

Dzień św. Grzegorza


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