We cater food for school occassions, birthday, wedding & parties...We make Lolly Cakes, Cupcakes, Cakes, Candies, Cookies & Pastries for all occassions
Furniture Maker / Contractor Jhena Esperanza - Valencia 0915-130-2670 / Viber rcvfurnituresolutins@gmail.com
Updated: Clinica Specialista Incorporated Company Profile: Clinica Specialista Inc., a multi-specialty outpatient clinic and diagnostic center is a 100% owned and managed by a group of local experienced and established doctors. The center offers a uniqu
Experience your events with us in very affordable price.Inquire now 09178628772 / 09237215360 / 09196037358 or email us gandas_catering@yahoo.com
Rocina's Events Venue cater for all occassions..Christening, Wedding, Graduation, Birthdays, etc.. Function Hall can accommodate up to 250 pax with an option of using the house depending on the occassion
Secondary, Free standing Private Laboratory. Under licensed by the Department of Health. offers Complete Laboratory Services, ECG, Ultrasound and X-ray.
a private primary hospital offers quality of service with the lowest hospital bill