We cater food for school occassions, birthday, wedding & parties...We make Lolly Cakes, Cupcakes, Cakes, Candies, Cookies & Pastries for all occassions
Aluminum, Glass and Steel Works
u can be beautiful and unique in just one touch!!! #touchbyangelbaldomero
Secondary, Free standing Private Laboratory. Under licensed by the Department of Health. offers Complete Laboratory Services, ECG, Ultrasound and X-ray.
Furniture Maker / Contractor Jhena Esperanza - Valencia 0915-130-2670 / Viber rcvfurnituresolutins@gmail.com
Specialized in custom made Architectural Designs, Metal Fabrications, Automotive Parts,Metal Bumper Designs, Brand OEM, Stainless Steel Supplies...
Owned and operated by the BLD Foundation, Inc.
For more infos and inquiries visit our clinic at #37 Wakas Bocaue, Bulacan 3018 or contact us at our Tel. # (044) 278 6713