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Norsk Hydro

Drammensveien 260, Oslo, Norway
Industrial Company



Hydro is a global aluminium company with production, sales and trading activities throughout the value chain. Hydro is a global aluminium company with production, sales and trading activities throughout the value chain, from bauxite, alumina and energy generation to the production of primary aluminium and rolled products as well as recycling. Based in Norway, the company has 13,000 employees involved in activities in more than 40 countries on all continents. Rooted in more than a century of experience in renewable energy production, technology development and progressive partnerships, Hydro is committed to strengthening the viability of the customers and communities we serve.


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Broken – but not forgotten. You might find pieces of this aluminium can reborn as your Christmas gift. Used aluminium may be endlessly recycled without loss in quality. Photo: Anne-Lene Molland

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You can almost feel it: Crisp. Cold. Calm. Winter has come to our primary aluminium plant in Sunndal, Norway.

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Apple's founder is widely known as "the man who made aluminium sexy"

Thank you, Steve!

Nobel Peace Prize Aluminium Wall of Fame

The Nobel Prize Concert is appreciated across the globe - and we are a proud sponsor of this concert for peace. See the stars who joined us backstage to sign our aluminium wall of fame – which of course is infinitely recyclable.

Nobel Peace Prize Aluminium Wall of Fame

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The talented Conan O’Brien: A great host for a great concert. Thank you for signing our aluminium wall of fame #peaceisloud #nppc #nobelpeaceprizeconsert @teamcoco

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Vi har åpnet luke 10 i Forskerfabrikkens julekalender, og vi var like nysgjerrige som Lea og Eva. Nysgjerrighet er viktig, og det har Hydros egne forskere mye av!

Vi har åpnet luke 10 i Forskerfabrikkens julekalender, og vi var like nysgjerrige som Lea og Eva. Nysgjerrighet er viktig, og det har Hydros egne forskere mye av!

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Yesterday we won a European Excellence Awards in Berlin for our campaign eternalizing a-ha in virtual reality. Over half a million people has seen a-ha in VR on our Youtube-channel and through our app. It’s a great privilege to also receive this recognition from the EEA as the best industrial communications measure of 2016. Thank you to Burson-Marsteller Oslo our communications agency on the project.

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Olje- og energidepartementet (Norge)

En kraftperle i hjertet av Jotunheimen!

Olje- og energidepartementet (Norge)

Vil du vinne billett til Nobels Fredspriskonsert 2016 på Telenor Arena den 11. desember? Kommenter hvorfor akkurat DU og en venn bør få billetter! Vinnerne trekkes torsdag 8. desember kl. 12. Deltakere må være over 18 år. Hydro dekker ikke reise eller opphold til arrangementet. Facebook er ikke tilknyttet denne konkurransen.

Vil du vinne billett til Nobels Fredspriskonsert 2016 på Telenor Arena den 11. desember? Kommenter hvorfor akkurat DU og en venn bør få billetter! 

 Vinnerne trekkes torsdag 8. desember kl. 12. Deltakere må være over 18 år. Hydro dekker ikke reise eller opphold til arrangementet. Facebook er ikke tilknyttet denne konkurransen.

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This is Mannsberg in Jotunheimen, Norway. Thanks to dedicated work from our people, this beauty was newly opened and it is our 22nd fully owned hydropower station. Mannsberg provides our aluminium production with clean energy.

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Vi er stolt hovedsamarbeidspartner til Forskerfabrikken. Med Forskerfabrikkens julekalender kan barn forske litt hver dag! Vi har åpnet luke 4 sammen med Eirik, Karoline og Helene.

Vi er stolt hovedsamarbeidspartner til Forskerfabrikken. Med Forskerfabrikkens julekalender kan barn forske litt hver dag! Vi har åpnet luke 4 sammen med Eirik, Karoline og Helene.

4 reasons why you should recycle aluminium

Did you know that the aluminium can is the world’s most recycled product?


NEAR Norsk Hydro

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